Watch for the brown truck...

we got bird dust from uncle jimbo!!! ty!!! used it on my bbq chicken tonight and it was D lish :) tried the amazon hot sauce too - now that is some tasty sauce \m/ oh yeah those diego beans were nice and creamy - your right they are very authentic - a close second to mine ;) hehhehe
thanks again jim - that was very sweet of you :)
we got bird dust from uncle jimbo!!! ty!!! used it on my bbq chicken tonight and it was D lish :) tried the amazon hot sauce too - now that is some tasty sauce m/ oh yeah those diego beans were nice and creamy - your right they are very authentic - a close second to mine ;) hehhehe
thanks again jim - that was very sweet of you :)

Told you those beans are next best thing to mine, :Saint: but less work. Next Canes show we can go over there and peruse the goods. Maybe bring Aja an alligator sausage sub. :heh:

I knew you would like that Amazon stuff. Seldom can be found around here so I order it direct. Wait until you try those pizza flakes. :rock:

Twas nothing dahling. I really enjoy seeing and hanging you guys so sharing some cool stuff is the least I can do.

Lovely thought! :Puke: And don't tell me it tastes like chicken!!! :lol:

Hey Jim I got the pasta seasoning from Trader Joe's the other day. I need that sauce/pasta recipe all in one place - can you pm or email me with it when you have time??

Gator tastes stronger than rabbit. :goggly:

I got you on the recipes next time I make it. Add about 1/2 teaspoon of the TJ seasoning to your pasta water when you put it on to boil and some of the pepper flakes to taste, 1/8th tsp at first, to a gallon of water cooking one lb of pasta. I'll get you all the deets next time but that should liven up your noodles until then.

12 hour work days from hell got me eating frozen food. :zombie:
