watch out Norway: DRUNKEN MOOSE ALERT


Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002
found on Ananova :


Experts are warning that unusual weather has led to groups of drunken moose wandering around the Norwegian forests.

Many Norwegian moose are becoming intoxicated after eating large numbers of fermenting fruit, which are plentiful after the country's exceptionally warm summer.

According to the Aftenposten newspaper they could pose a threat to humans.

District vet Paul Stamberg says it's the first time he's heard of moose getting drunk.

He assumes they behave in the same way as drunk humans, some become harmless while others are the total opposite.

Martin Kolberg, head of the local animal committee in Telemark, warns people to beware of drunken moose.

He said: "Be careful when you approach moose that have been munching apples for days. Their behaviour can alter and they can become frighteningly aggressive.

"Clap and see how it reacts. If it doesn't retreat but instead comes even closer, by all means stay vigilant. It can be intoxicated and attack."
"If i moose impales you, then it is likely to have aggressive tendancies, and you are advised to avoid it"

I don't really get why a moose would fucking run away if you clapped your hands... The sound isn't really that loud and you, a human, aren't really a scary sight either. The beast could easily break every bone in your body. Mooses need to forget about their primitive insticts for survival, stop being such damned pussies and kick some human ass.
w/out being drunk, a female moose killed a man in Alaska, on the street, in front of some store (I saw it on TV). so, kids were throwing snowballs at her, she was stepping aside with her calf, and lovely human breed finally left. she was staring at some window (it was even of a cafeteria, maybe, I don't remember), and that man was passing by, he had some kind of a nylon bag in his hand, nothing special. she looked at him, turned, kicked him several times, squashed him. he stopped moving. was dead.
as for the kids having fun> I respect animals more than I respect humans.