Watch out


Dec 12, 2005
"Don't be taken in when they paternally pat you on the shoulder and say that there's no inequality worth speaking of and no more reason to fight because if you believe them they will be completely in charge in their marble homes and granite banks from which they rob the people of the world under the pretence of bringing them culture.
Watch out, for as soon as it pleases them they'll send you out to protect their gold in wars whose weapons, rapidly developed by servile scientists, will become more and more deadly until they can with a flick of the finger tear a million of you to pieces" Jean-Paul Marat (May 24, 1743– July 13, 1793), a Swiss-born scientist and physician.

This clever man prophesised more than two hundred years ago what the situation could be (and now is) in the world today. Of course it is more than a million who can be torn apart by nuclear bombs. Is it not significant that such things can be seen by people long before they have happened, and they warn us to avoid these catastrophes of the future, yet humans just blunder on regardless?

"Watch out" indeed! Power and extreme wealth are concentrated in the hands of a small minority of all-powerful psychopaths who don't seem to value the Earth for anything except its resources.

Does anyone see this ever changing before it is too late (if it isn't already)?

And why is it that people get all worked up about relatively minor things like some "fat cat" bosses earning a hundred thousand a year more than people feel they should earn, and yet don't like to think about the billionaires and multibillionaires who get their money through trickery, exploitation and ruthless lack of morality, and who actually buy off whole governments and control world affairs? It's comparable to an elephant sitting on you, but you complain when a fly lands on your nose.

(I'm not sure if this thread is too similar to previous ones about the environment etc. and don't mind if it gets moved.)
"We have got rid of the fetish of the divine right of kings, and that slavery is of divine origin and authority. But the divine right of property has taken its place. The tendency plainly is towards ... 'a government of the rich, by the
rich, and for the rich.'" : Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1822–1893), 19th president of the US.

"Of all forms of tyranny, the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy". John Piermont Morgan
I'm sure it's been said before, and it must be said again. Norsemaiden, you are the type of woman who I want to have dinner with and discuss spirituality, world events and the sort. You are very well-read and intelligient. Even though on-line, your aura is amazing. Please don't take these words as a "hit on you." That would be a form of reduction. Most women I know are more concerned with their hair products, the shoes they wear and the color of their nails. You are refreshing indeed. I don't post really, so I'll sit back and read your informative theories and opinions. BTW, a superb bottle of wine would be perfect for that hypothetical dinner. Keep on writing,my Lady. I am a Viking.
ironbeard said:
I'm sure it's been said before, and it must be said again. Norsemaiden, you are the type of woman who I want to have dinner with and discuss spirituality, world events and the sort. You are very well-read and intelligient. Even though on-line, your aura is amazing. Please don't take these words as a "hit on you." That would be a form of reduction. Most women I know are more concerned with their hair products, the shoes they wear and the color of their nails. You are refreshing indeed. I don't post really, so I'll sit back and read your informative theories and opinions. BTW, a superb bottle of wine would be perfect for that hypothetical dinner. Keep on writing,my Lady. I am a Viking.

Haha. I for one am very glad Norsemaiden posts here all the time. Even if one doesnt agree with her or some of her theories, she always makes one think.
ironbeard said:
I'm sure it's been said before, and it must be said again. Norsemaiden, you are the type of woman who I want to have dinner with and discuss spirituality, world events and the sort. You are very well-read and intelligient. Even though on-line, your aura is amazing. Please don't take these words as a "hit on you." That would be a form of reduction. Most women I know are more concerned with their hair products, the shoes they wear and the color of their nails. You are refreshing indeed. I don't post really, so I'll sit back and read your informative theories and opinions. BTW, a superb bottle of wine would be perfect for that hypothetical dinner. Keep on writing,my Lady. I am a Viking.

That was very flattering, thanks! Shame we live so far apart as I would like to take up that offer! To be honest , I am also into all that feminine triviality, except shoes which are nearly always muddy trainers. (Sneakers in American). I totally don't get the obsession most women have with shoes!