Would it be better if drugs were legalized?

Should drugs be legalized

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 59.5%
  • No

    Votes: 30 40.5%

  • Total voters
Yes you are absolutely correct. But little will change with the underground problem. It will still exist for cheap non taxed drugs, that culture and trafficing will remain intact and our government and law enforcement will still be full time trying to locate illegal drugs... which many dont reaalize will still be illegal even if there is legal drugs available for the better class of citizens. Then as generation pass it will become more acceptable to walk into some store and buy ones weekend or dayly fuck up. Drugs will become as prominate as alcohol, which no one can deny is a problem for many addictive types or those looking for relief at the end of the day.

More doomsday predictions. I agree with the first part though, the underground problem will remain, although it could potentially be weakened somewhat.

I agree 100% about weed and weed alone. Im not sure whats going on in Austrailia but here in the US drug screening is done for everything, work, college, licences, it has become a giant business with many "professionals" making a fortune identifing the dope smokers, the easy target who may have only smoked a little with friends on Sunday afternoon. After all we are into 4 decades where its common for low inome blue collar workers to smoke (amounst others). Apparently it pissed some people off that most of us wound up being hard working contributing pieces of society so we have been singled out for the cull system recently put in place by college grads who probably snorted more cocaine than we could possibly afford. My county's DA was a big time coke head as were his upity friends, not to mention the massive drinking that went on as well, hes a blue blood from a prominate family so he easily got elected. My concern is just weed, only due to the fact of this recent drug screening, otherwize I'd rather it stayed illegal so the gov couldnt get their hands on sales tax and sin taxes which they would surely apply. Then nearly everyone involved grows their own anyhow and that would surely still be illegal. Myself I dont care about the other drugs, been there done that and quickly evaluated their worth as null, the bad far outweighed the good.

So weed's ok because you smoke/have smoked it? What about all the people who consume other drugs and manage to contribute to society just fine, without becoming addicts? People who want a pick me up on the weekend at a club, how are they any different from Joe Normal getting stoned on Sunday? And do you really think drugs like LSD and mushrooms would become a widespread problem if they were legal?

Also, the word is prominent.

This thing with crack totally pisses me off and I personally would like to be able to bust some heads over the stuff, cocaine was bad enough as people squandered their paychecks and slowly became worthless to their vice.

I don't support the legalisation of ultra-addictive drugs like Crack and Heroin at all. Cocaine is bad, but nowhere near as bad as those two.

You can say all you want but if you dont think corporations would take the ball and run straight to the capitalistic toilet with mind altering drugs I believe you are greivously mistaken. As it stand now they cant possibly advertise and push hard enough for all the various "anti-depressants" floating around. Here in the US we are into decades of Doctor prescribed drug abuse. We have had households loaded with closet housewife junkies, quite pathetic, frankly. Mothers little pill was not a fancy word play for a pop song, it was a reality. then begins the mindset that we need this pill for this and that pill for that... again I question how mankind ever survied the milliniums without this corporate/industry bullshit.

I don't agree, again you're slipping into the free-for-all descent into chaos mindset, where the latest type of super-crack or mega-meth will be advertised on billboards. This sort of thing obviously wouldn't be allowed to happen. And "Mother's little helper" was years ago. Prescription drug abuse is nowhere near the problem it used to be, because everything is regulated much better than it was 30-50 years ago. Anti-depressants is a whole other area. They help some people and not others.

As for the military being used to take action, I dont really propose laying down a line of unprejudice fire, only useing the volumn of available men to do the search and seige. Those that wish to engage in aggressive fire can die. Im appauled that we allow gangs to run unchecked, when they are so easily identifiable and proud of themselves. A harsh deterrent needs to be put in place, if the population is lowered so be it, that ball will be in their hands. Either get a clue or pay the price, the party and free running of the streets is over. Yet no, here we sit for decades now playing cat and mouse as the problem grows at an alarming pace, so as not to hurt the feelings of family members who kids are violent, rotten to the bone, theiven, rapeing drug dealers. As if they hold presidence over the family hurt by members who could not resist and got caught in the realm of addiction.

Assuming that the military are going to be able to go in and remove all the dealers and gangs and make the streets nice and safe for everyone is just pure hopeful delusion, sorry. It's a shallow quick fix scenario that doesn't go anywhere near the root of the problem.
I don't believe in this separate between drugs. It will just turn into jet another boundery to push against. I think if it was all legal it would be less interesting for the thrillseekers. The drug industry would have to find other sources of income. Hopefully one with less income. The more income they have, the more power they get.

Legal drugs can be sold at a ******** under national rules and regulations.

I was sensured, how funny, not. ******** is illegal?
So, Toenail, we mostly agree, except you feel Im an alarmist, which is fine, some people are alarmed at far more petty things. You are exagerating my idea of sweeping high crime and drug areas, I dont ever think the world will be a pretty place when it comes to people. I just think it will do some damage to the network and be a deterrent, I have no doubt that it would need to be done many times at random. Myself I find the end results invigorating, they want "wars" bring it straight at em.

I have yet to find anyone that does hard addictive drugs that is not overwhelming problematic. I dont think mushrooms are illegal, only the selling of them. Here we have "the intent to sell" that is bad news for those that wish to engage in such activities, I have no problems with this and I certainly dont want it in the hands of capitalistic pig drug companies.

Thanks for the spell check Mum..... lol

"Thats actually not true at all"

would you like to give a guess at the percentage of the success rate for "cleaning up" ? I suspect its low and that most substitute one vice for another. I've not been one to find that people really change much.

Regardless, for all the reasons I have repeatedly posted, government just cant condone the legal selling of drugs and I dont believe they ever will. Then to further think, dont they really have alot more important issues to concentrate on straightening out than opening the door to drug trafficing ?
I fail to see any parallel between food and illegal drugs. I am unaware of any chemical addiction to food. Im also pretty sure people need to eat and Im not sure people need to take drugs. In this epic scenerio you produce here you are focusing on users/abusers, which is hogwash in association to many of the points brought by those who favor legalization. Those points are that our jails are full of dealers, drug induced crimes such as theft, there might be cases of drug induced rape as well. The other concern was with the crime that runs rampant due to drug trafficing, such as gang wars. This has been the focus of my concern. Im not aware of situations where food or over eating create such issues, once again it seems I must remind you that eating is an essential.

Not all illicit drugs bear any significant 'chemical addiction'. Nobody 'needs' Mcdonalds or Krispy Kreme. The crime related issues with drugs are only an issue because of their criminal status.
Not all illicit drugs bear any significant 'chemical addiction'. Nobody 'needs' Mcdonalds or Krispy Kreme. The crime related issues with drugs are only an issue because of their criminal status.

Yeah, so ? Then why would be a crime for me to walk into a crack house and blow everybodies worthless brain all over the walls, should someone important to me become addicted to crack ? Its a "freedom" I am not allowed because it would place me on criminal status. I can live with this and I can live with scum bag dealers locked up in prison, though I would prefer their execution.

You want free will ? Bring it on, Im all for it, lets get rid of the governments, morals, ethics, laws and have one great big free for all. I would find it invigorating as would many other people I know, a return to the wild west with current abilities, we would have dead pussys by the ton. A rapidly decreased population, it would be a win/win.

Then wouldnt we get to hear all the freedom liberals going :waah:

Or you could just come to grips with the multitude of reasons why its a crime to sell sell drugs, makes no difference to me, I dont struggle with such things.

:rolleyes: ................... :heh:
Well Razor, how do you spell the place where you buy medicines? Perhaps they make bombs there? lol

Apparently that word is blocked by the site because it avoids pop ups advertising various drugs the drug manufacturers are currently trying to push on society... IMAGINE THAT ! :lol:

I know this because earlier in this thread I typed the word pha --- rm ----- acy and that happened, then someone commented on it. Its a good thing, now I just wish they would do the same for the word g ---- a ----- y ----- though it was quite amusing to see the pop ups that created.
Yeah, so ? Then why would be a crime for me to walk into a crack house and blow everybodies worthless brain all over the walls, should someone important to me become addicted to crack ? Its a "freedom" I am not allowed because it would place me on criminal status.

Crimes are not crimes to prevent people being 'placed on criminal status'... crimes are crimes because the corresponding decrease in liberty is deemed worthwhile by the government / media / masses. Your viewpoint is obviously fixed, rational argument is water off a ducks back to you in all areas, but many people consider things in a more reasonable light. Arguing with you is practice at dealing with pig headedness :lol:

Not that I consider complete legalisation the only rational answer, just that you don't argue against it rationally :)
Sorry Blowtus, with all due respect you are wrong. I presented more reasons and covered all aspects of the entire picture here than anyone. The only people that came close were you and Satanstoenail, everything else was all abouts peoples "rights" but in that everyone wants to ignore the rights of family members or close friends who do not want this stuff available for their people to head down the wrong road on and that is why there are such laws. I couldnt possibly have covered more ground on this subject. If anyone wants to belive I am "pig headed", Im cool with that but I rather think of it as commited to my lenghtly evaluation and final conclusion. You can try all you want but I have yet to hear much of anything that represents more than a pipe dream of some utopian society where no one would be negatively effected by drug use or how we could possibly as a society, or in this case, involving the government of people just say "go ahead, lets have a open free market for ******, when we all know damn well where a life of drugs leads people.

Damn, man just think back to all my posts and all I have presented and tell me again that "Im just pigheaded" and "unrational". Then if you still feel that way, put some effort into proving it by directly responding to the many points I have brought to the table.

Stuff like - I like dirtbiking, I like to gorge on food and other such scenerios just dont cut it with me... yet did you see me once call anyone "pigheaded" for ducking under reality and evasively avoiding the path of drugs ?

I mean whats next ? Should rape be legal ? Should stealing be legal ?

Your method of "asking a question" (unrelated) rather than supplying any facts or ideas relating directly to the subject at hand doesnt not throw me what so ever and I would be ashamed of myself if I allowed it. Simple truth, drugs fuck up peoples lives and others capitalizing off of it is non productive. (notice I dont use the word wrong.... because we just had BIG issues over such manmade implications :rolleyes:)

Christ all fucking mighty ! Lets beat the messenger
I can't see drugs being very beneficial to a functioning society. Then again, I think it should be a personal choice. Nobody should try to impose choices like that onto others.

When I say drugs I am referring to anything highly addictive and damaging to your health. Then again, food is damaging to your health, and so many other things are as well. So I guess I'm moderate on the entire issue.
Your method of "asking a question" (unrelated) rather than supplying any facts or ideas relating directly to the subject at hand doesnt not throw me what so ever and I would be ashamed of myself if I allowed it.

That you find such questions unrelated, as though 'drug use' sits in its own bubble of decision making, and you have no interest in trying to understand the connecting factors, or developing / stating any internal consistency, is why I've resorted to ad-hominemisms - the threads just reached that point :lol:
That you find such questions unrelated, as though 'drug use' sits in its own bubble of decision making, and you have no interest in trying to understand the connecting factors, or developing / stating any internal consistency, is why I've resorted to ad-hominemisms - the threads just reached that point :lol:

"I have no interest in trying to understand the connection factors" ?

Or are you saying "That I fail to agree drugs should be legal" because people ride dirtbikes and are fat ?

"internal consistancy" WTF are you talking about ?

"drug use sits in its own bubble of decision making" ?

how many times do I have to say it takes a dealer capitalizing on someones addiction ? A motive to inflict unavoidable to harm another person for ones personal gain. A problem that has inflicted society as a plague throughout its history

whos failing to make connections and show consistancy ?

Do you think children grow up thinking "I want to be a drug addict" ? Do they grow up thinking "I want to eat" ? or "I want to have a dirtbike" ? Naw... no difference there
So, Toenail, we mostly agree, except you feel Im an alarmist, which is fine, some people are alarmed at far more petty things.

I don't think we mostly agree at all. You don't support any decriminalistaion whatsoever, you think harsher action is needed, and you predict the downfall of society if any legalisation is implemented. This is why I called you alarmist.

You are exagerating my idea of sweeping high crime and drug areas, I dont ever think the world will be a pretty place when it comes to people. I just think it will do some damage to the network and be a deterrent, I have no doubt that it would need to be done many times at random. Myself I find the end results invigorating, they want "wars" bring it straight at em.

I don't think these gangs have any concept of deterrence and I don't think your solution package makes any sense. If anything it could possibly worsen the situation.

I have yet to find anyone that does hard addictive drugs that is not overwhelming problematic. I dont think mushrooms are illegal, only the selling of them. Here we have "the intent to sell" that is bad news for those that wish to engage in such activities, I have no problems with this and I certainly dont want it in the hands of capitalistic pig drug companies.

You didn't really answer any of my questions there. I know plenty of people who do more than pot on the weekend and manage to contribute just fine to society and in fact are quite successful in their chosen fields. Just because You've "yet to find anyone" doesn't mean these people don't exist.

Thanks for the spell check Mum..... lol

No worries kiddo.. *ruffles hair*

"Thats actually not true at all"
would you like to give a guess at the percentage of the success rate for "cleaning up" ? I suspect its low and that most substitute one vice for another. I've not been one to find that people really change much.

It all depends which drug the person is addicted to really. I'd say the success rate for crack & heroin users would be quite low, whereas with ecstasy, meth, coke, pot etc the rates would be much higher. And hallucinogenic addicts are extremely rare.

Regardless, for all the reasons I have repeatedly posted, government just cant condone the legal selling of drugs and I dont believe they ever will. Then to further think, dont they really have alot more important issues to concentrate on straightening out than opening the door to drug trafficing ?

That's a really weak and terribly worded argument. Firstly, it's the government's job to deal with whatever problems are present in today's society and drugs have created many. Secondly, "opening the door to drug trafficing[sic]" is just another example of your biased, alarmist spin-doctoring.
Well Razor, let's say their opens a ******** in your druginfested local area. They are allowed to sell drugs to ordinary people. The company they sell for is a major contributor on the marked. It says on the packed what it contains. It's sold like any medicin without prescription from your doctor.

What do you think would happen Razor?