New Metal Member
the inteligent guy came back woo-hooScott W said:Speaking scientifically, this is not the way science works. Perhaps thats the way it should work, but it really doesnt. I believe strongly in science, but Im willing to see the flaws inherent. Basically, the philosophy of science is based on paradigms. Whenever a prevailing paradigm is favored, all research is based upon it, and something counter to the paradigm will be met with firm resistance, even in the face of strong evidence. The new paradigm will often only overtake the old because of younger new scientists not brought up with the old paradigm, or because of some brilliant mechanism that wasnt available at the time.
Take for example...plate tectonics. In the late 19th century, the idea of moving continents was thoroughly ignored, because the prevailing paradigm was stationary continents, and that was the basis for the work being done. Even though moving continents had ample evidence, there was no mechanism, so the scientists HAD to refute it. It wasnt until someone (i forget who at the moment) came up with plate tectonics that continental drift became accepted and part of scientific theory.
Also, its deceiving the way science is presented...once a new theory usurps an old one, the old one vanishes from textbooks never to be heard of again. I doubt hardly any life science/chemistry majors in school right now know that not too long ago, scientists thought that the phlogiston was the thing that caused stuff to burn. Suggesting it was an element called oxygen in those days would have been laughed at.
My point is that while I do think science is getting more and more accurate with time, and I feel strongly about it, because thats what I want to do with my life...I admit the system isnt perfect, because when you have been taught under a paradigm, its hard to think outside that umbrella of theories.
maybe now the threads will stop being so...unintelligent