The Americans take over everything![]()
@ Bloodsword: I think we should use rapists, paedophiles and twats like that guy for testing medicine and make up on instead of animals. That would sort a whole host of problems out in one go.
A good starting point ...
What struck me was the emotional response in everyone, how quickly they all jumped to one side and how distraught they became. I'm not saying this was wrong, or unjustified in the least, but it got me wondering a little about where it came from. After only a few posts, most people were considered generous short of killing or dismembering limbs, and no one really stepped in to say know, perhaps this is a bit harsh and inhumane. To the contrary, one person pointed out that our kindness towards criminals in this regard, was almost some weakness of humanity in that we "value human life way too much".
From how I saw this, it felt as though all these posts were the words of angry sports fans, cheering on the lion about to sink it's teeth into the one who dared to cross the line of the norm and the socially accepted ..but this isn't about the law or justice, not about the details of the crime, we just want to see someone else suffer for a change and not have to feel weary about the system and it's criticisms for that short moment. I wonder if this is much the same reason people are fans of horror, the fear that it could be true, the excitement of it being true or at least appearing so. Thus, this "fan" involvement we find here is in my mind, an even more worry-some quality of the human and definitely reminiscent of Jesus being put to death on the cross. If you are religious or not it doesn't matter, this is a very powerful aspect of Christianity and a very telling quality of humanity. The scary part is that the whole thing is mindless, and it can turn on anyone for any reason where their own individual fear of the system, only serves to further support the system.
How we define a criminal is an important question in what Nile [mentions below], but it's even more important to look at how the individual defines a criminal in relation to themselves. My point here is, if there were for example a criminal in the audience cheering on the lion for the same reason as everyone else, he must on some level not view himself so much as this rotten, sick and twisted criminal, but a normal person, and surely the guy who is about to be impaled, chewed and eaten, was not normal ..and it's in this way I believe us to be natural hypocrites.
Blame is another area you guys might want to get into, as many abusers you read about in the news have themselves been abused. We've all heard this, we all know this, but our desire to punish and to inflict pain is stronger than our desire to understand ..or even know for certain we got the right guy. Many innocents I'm sure are put to death more as an obligation by the people to find someone to blame and kill, someone to put their mind to ease, than for any reason of justice. It's interesting to me that no one stands up with the same degree of passion towards a person who was punished, and was later proven innocent.
I'm reminded of a class presentation I did years ago about anger. I asked a simple question to the class, "Do you feel you have the potential to kill?". Well, almost no one put up their hand, especially not the females and by their reaction to the question, it was as though to even make the comparison was sick, twisted and accusatory of me. Again, it's interesting to me how passionate people become as though these criminals were extraterrestrial and not human, so remotely different in who they are to who we are that there really is no ground for comparison, no room for habilitation, humane treatement and beyond an honest attempt to understand the criminal mind.