Watch this Movie thread

Good to see some fans of Requiem for a Dream... I must ask, any of you seen Aronofsky's other master piece 'pi' (actually the pi symbol). It's really awesome.

Saw American psycho last night. It was awesome.

Princess Mononoke
Central Station
Dark water
Save the Green plannet.

^They all rule.
Favorite films:
Requiem for a dream
a clockwork orange
full metal jacket
2001: a space odyssey
Un Chien Andalou
man bites dog
lost in translation
city of god
citizen kane

eh I think that's it for now
John Carpenter's The Thing (One more reason why Kurt Russell OWNS)
The Hunted (Good, modern, samurai vs. ninja movie. None shall see my face!)
Strange Days (Totally overlooked millenium movie, Angela Bassett is a badass)
Cube (Original only, NOT any of the sequels)
Frailty (Really cool concept, really unexpected ending)
Wild Things (Actually a pretty clever thriller in addition to the lesbian sex)
Spirited Away (The anime version of alice in wonderland)
The Edge (Human intellect and will vs. hostile nature)
The Ninth Gate (Very slow, subtle, and extremely clever construction. Great soundtrack)
Stir of Echoes (Far superior take on "The Sixth Sense" plus Kevin Bacon > Bruce Willis)
Bulworth (Once you get past Warren Beatty rapping, this is a very smart movie that actually has something to say)
The City of Lost Children (Very stylized french flick, very dark fairy tale. Ron Perlman. 'Nuff said)
Near Dark (Best vampire movie ever made)
The Sweet Hereafter (Powerful, emotional, great acting. Not fun to watch)
Fallen (Completely different movie the second time you watch it)
The Red Violin (Engrossing historical fiction with an awesome soundtrack)
The 13th Warrior (Michael Crichton's retelling of Beowulf)
Ravenous (Civil War era cannibal moive with a Banjo soundtrack. Bon Appétit)
Mother Night (Based on Kurt Vonnegut's novel about an American spy who becomes a high ranked Nazi. Thought provoking)
dead6skin6mask6 said:
YES! One Hour Photo was incredible
And disturbing.

(and am I the only one who thinks it was REALLY unnecessary to show Robin Williams on the toilet for like half a minute during his dream sequence in the people's house?)

my favorite Hitchcock movies in descending order.
ferlusa said:
This movie is not for kids :tickled: How old are you now?
Although being an old movie, its so modern... a real masterpiece from Stanley Kubrick. :Spin:
Try watching it again, I guarantee some laughs at least :)
I'll try to give it another chance this summer! I don't remember much of it so it will be like listening something new.

I'm 19 btw :wave:
I saw that movie for the first time a few months ago. It's ... :hypno: ... crazy.
Lord Foul said:
The Red Violin (Engrossing historical fiction with an awesome soundtrack)
That movie is brilliant. It's amazing the way that entwine all of the stories throughout the time periods.

Vampire Hunter D
Artemisa (even though it's totally historically inaccurate)