

New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
I just read something about a re-release of Watchtower's early demo's and stuff... someone want to enlighten me??

Speaking of watchtower, check out DEIFER, They're like a cross between Watchtower, Death, Cynic.
only the drummer is way cool...

KEEP BANGING your head, you will get a nice fat tumour as well.
...ha ha ha. I think you've got the drummer mixed up with someone, because watchtower ISN'T Nu-Metal... :lol:
Hell yes. Energetic Disassembly was just as far ahead of it's time...

Have you heard Spastic Ink? It's fairly much the members of watchtower, and it's even more complicated than watchtower. On the Watchtower site, they have released a list of people that are going to play on the new Ink Cd:

Ron Jarzombek (WatchTower, Gordian Knot)
Bobby Jarzombek (Riot, Rob Halford)
Steve Digiorgio (Testament, Death, Control Denied, Sadus)
Sean Malone (Gordian Knot, Cynic)
Pete Perez (Riot)
Doug Keyser (WatchTower)
Ray Reineau (Rob Halford)
Richard Christy (Death, Control Denied)
Ron Jarzombek is the best nu-metal drummuer inthe busines and RIOT are one of my favourite bands in the world, I have every release ever ....

spastic ink i haven't got time for, maybe later on in the years...
at least I know my shit...How s the weather up their MAGGOT...

What do y'mean you 'know your shit'... If you're refering to music, you sure as hell don't know good musicians if you listen to nu-metal. And you sure as hell don't appreciate good guitar-work if you don't appreciate Watchtower other than just the drummer.

...Actually, i know your shit... it's forever comin' out of your mouth.. :lol:
they have released a list of people that are going to play on the new Ink Cd:[/B]

Vocals - Jason McMaster
Guitars - Ron Jarzombek
Bass - Pete Perez (Riot), Michael Manring, Doug Keyser (WatchTower), Sean Malone (Gordian Knot, Cynic), Ray Riendeau (Rob Halford)
Drums - Bobby Jarzombek and David Penna
Keyboards - Jens Johansson (Stratovarius, Yngwie Malmsteen), Jimmy Pitts (Scholomance), and the wacky David Bagsby.

This was snatched from their official site news section.
I guess it's the latest status on the lineup.

watchtower returns! my first gig was opening for them in s.a. i was 17. i wore a flannel onstage hehe. and this was the pre-grunge era! yup, San Antonio was once a metal mecca but people stopped going to shows and a couple big clubs shut down. there are still alot of mexican metalheads down there. i think they still have Z-ROCK. the bigger metal bands there are JUDGEMENTAL, BLACK MARIAH, and ALIENATION. i think they're still together.
Just wanted to say that Spastic Ink rules!
Too bad Reinert isn't playing on the new album anymore
It would have been interesting to say the least to hear him do all
that crazy stuff!