WaveLabs announces Drumagog 5


Anssi Tenhunen
WaveMachine Labs, the industry leader in drum replacement technology, is excited to announce the next major Drumagog release, Drumagog 5. Available in the first quarter of 2010, Drumagog 5 represents more than two years of design and development.


Looks SURPRISINGLY similiar to Slates Trigger

Well I mean there are only a few different ways you can design a plug-in that's for such a niche purpose.

Anyway I'm really hoping with the advent of these two plugs I will be able to stop farting around wasting time in Drumtracker and just get to the business of mixing quicker. Aligning phase with Drumagog currently is nothing short of an absolute nightmare, so they would've had to revamp Auto-Align significantly for it to warrant being used.
Tru dat, but I'm too lazy to line up the Slates in ApTrigga. It's much easier to audition and blend samples using GOGs to get a rough drum mix going. After that comes the mind-numbing process of getting it to fire off the triggers in-phase... :s

Hanging on Slate's Trigger plug-in FTW.
Tru dat, but I'm too lazy to line up the Slates in ApTrigga. It's much easier to audition and blend samples using GOGs to get a rough drum mix going. After that comes the mind-numbing process of getting it to fire off the triggers in-phase... :s

Hanging on Slate's Trigger plug-in FTW.

what you mean rendering it, then lining them up by hand?? ;)
i dont miss that.