Waves: C6 Multiband Compress


Apr 3, 2009
So I'll preface by saying C6 has below the "Minimum number of letters" for the search function....so I apologize if this topic has been discussed.

I've been interested in purchasing the C4 plugin due to hearing so many good things about it....and then find out they now have C6 out. I figure that's prob made some improvements over the 4 worth checking into....

From what Waves site said about it, looks like you get 6 bands and also a sidechain...seems pretty cool to me to include the sidechain in there. But what are peoples thoughts on the 6 over the 4 and with that sidechain feature?? I'm not sure when it was released....but I have yet to hear anyone talk about 6 and only first heard about it from visiting the waves store....so I'm wondering if it was a fail or not...
C4 is a superb multiband. I used the Mcdsp for a while but i have come to the conclusion that i really like and need the C4. And if the C6 is an improved version of the C4 then iit is awesome, haven't tried it yet.
Nope, never done it. Been meaning to for a while, just never quite get a chance to experiment since the balancing in my mixes generally doesn't require it.

Would really like to experiment ducking the core mids on rhythm guitars during solos though!
I have it but haven't really tried the C4. For whatever my opinion's worth though, I love it.

Sidechaining is also very good on the plugin.

Would really like to experiment ducking the core mids on rhythm guitars during solos though!

I've done this with leads and it works great.

Plus it's the same price as C4 (from the Waves store, but you might be able to get it cheaper elsewhere) so you may as well just get it for the extra features.