waves L3 vs. Precision Mastering Bundle

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
i see U audio is giving a mastering bundle for about 500$ thats about 414euro.

The waves L3 is about 520euro plus I need the key which also cost me 40euro.

I´m using the u-audio studiopak. My question is

what plugin(s) is better for mastering,

...makes your mix better mastered???

And second when I use the Precision Mastering Bundle in my master bus

how much is the card´s cpu load???

how many plugins can I use after that.

(compress,cambridge ec)

thanks for reading and perhaps for answers

good night everybody
I have the L3 pack and I USED to have the UAD-1 card with the precision limiter. In my opinion, the L3 cannot compare at all with the UAD-1 limiter. The L3 ruins all attack you may have in any transients....for example, the snare will disappear in your mix. The Waves L2 is a little better, but now I just use Voxengo Elephant. The UAD-1 limiter is better than Voxengo's limiter, but I just couldn't justify holding on to a PCI card worth that much money that would soon be obsolete so I sold it over the summer. If you're completely serious, get the precision limiter over waves.
I would say get the Precision over the L3 for sure. L3/L2 stuff isn't bad, it's just hard to use and you have to make very well balanced mixes for it to even work decently. You have to have the bass really optimized for their stuff too. I used it once because I had to and it worked out, no problems. I would never use it by choice though.

Check out Timesworks Mastering Compressor, a lot better for a software limiter in my opinion. A lot cheaper too. I tried Voxengo's stuff but I didn't think it came close to Timeworks at all. Still it was a little better than the L3 and L2 though.
Timeworks plugins are direct X arent say???

I heart cubase 4 doesnt support direct X plugs anymore.

Then the 150euro were spent on the wrong horse;)

but why everybody is the in love with waves L3. I worked with the demo and is was great tool to make you recordings louder so it sound pro.

but when you unmastered mix gets over 0db waves L3 makes strange flanger effects.

I read in an magazin the eq and the limiter of uaudio perce... are fantastic and best you can get in software for mastering.

The multiband is nominateted for some award???

...nice morning everybody

(I love this forum cause here are people with the same interessets then me and who realy helps spending my money great.
Some guy said to me i should buy me the sennheiser e604 for toms not the opus 87. The sennheiser are amazing and kicks extrem ass):headbang: :kickass: :headbang: :kickass: :puke: :heh: