Waves SSL4000 demo video stream

Well, seems efficient but It's hard to figure how SSLish It sounds on a shitty streaming video.
He says "uh" a lot. Lol. They seem to work like they're suppose to. I've never had the pleasure of working on an SSL, so I can't speak for how true it is to the real thing, but he claims that SSL was "amazed" at how realistically it emulates the reference units. So if that is true. Then I'm sure it's a great emulation. Either way, it should be a great new set of plugs from Waves.

Anyone know what the estimated price is going to be on these things? A while back, it was speculated that it was going to run about $1600 (USD) for the TDM version and less for others. This was early speculation. The Native version was going to be about half of that, and those were list prices. So, if all goes well, hopefully it will run about $499 - $599 max street price.
I'm excited to try this thing out. If it's as true of an emulation as they say, it might end up getting a lot of use.
damn there are a lot of videos from that link...

IK Mult. went nuts with the new amplitube2.. that foot controller looks pretty fancy, too.