Way O/T: Prayers requested


35 and counting...
May 2, 2005
Gurnee, IL
I don't know how many people on the board are religious in any way - I'm a "recovering Catholic" myself - but I'd like to ask you all if you could send your prayers or good vibes towards two friends of mine. The wife is a co-worker of mine, and I've gotten to know her husband through our mutual love of Motorhead.

They were eagerly expecting their first child - I got the call last night that their son was born with a heart defect. I don't know the severity of the defect or his chances of survival, but I know he's presently at one of the best hospitals around.

I'm sure you all join me in wishing nothing but the best for my friends and their son - it's things like this that make you realize what's important in life, and how lucky we all really are.

Thanks to every one of you. I'll keep whoever's interested informed.
It is not good when children have a shitty start to life but us adults moan when we get a cold or something like that. Then you get evil fuckers who go through their life without any problems, sometimes life just sucks.

I really hope things turn out good for them
That sucks man, a co-worker of mine just had her 8 month old grandson die. I felt so bad, I saw him literally 4 days before, gave him tickles but still after 4 months they have had no toxicology reports of why he had died. They're still waiting, STILL. Unbelievable, they're going through great pain. Still they do not know why he died. Horrible. I hope you're well
Got an update from my friend last night - his son, now a week old, had open heart surgery on Tuesday morning, and things seemed to go very well. Word is that Children's Memorial will probably keep him for another two weeks.

It's been the kind of week for these two people that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, but they seem to be holding up okay, just very tired and stressed. The good news is that, the more I talk to people about little Alex's condition, the more encouraging things I hear, such as a technician doing my daughter's echo (nothing bad going on - things are cool) who said she went to medical school with someone who had that condition. So the chances of survival with no brain damage seem to be quite good.

My buddy wanted me to pass along his sincere gratitude to every one of you who have kept him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. I, too, am grateful.