Way off topic.

Cool, thanks. Just go to my site at: groups.msn.com/shareartwork
Just sign in if you've got a hotmail account and then type it in, to the left you'll see the Darkwind site, and a bunch of other stuff from it. go to pictures and you'll see two characters dressed up as Batman, and one like superman, thats the drawing, I can't send it to your site cause I'm on a different computer and the files are on another computer that I don't have acces to and I don't know how to copy them from th site. thanks bro'.
any ways I went to Kinkos' and scanned my drawings and
saved them to a zip disc, then they saved it to a cd and I took it home and for some reason I couldn't open them and when I finally did they were blank. There goes $20. the rest of the time would have costed about another $30 but since their computers were acting funny they did the rest for free. now whe I try to open them it says that there was an 'error' and 'the file was probably left open' which doesn't make much sence to me. but hope you like the site.

Say man I just visited your site man it's pretty badass. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than mine.
I got your other mail as well. Both are over 2.5MB. Which images do you want me to include in an avatar that is just 80 pixels in width/height? Even with a .Net passport and cookies enabled, it doesn't let me sign in on the MSN site.

Don't you have an image that's smaller in size? If not, i'll use this, but it'd take more time...
Sorry bro', everything I draw on the computer is that size of the spiderman or larger. If I draw anything smaller It looks awfull. I've been trying to figure out how to re-size the drawings after I finish them to use them for avaters or as signatures but I still haven't figured out how.
Thanks for all your help man.