Way to go Satyricon...

I've a got a real problem with guys that "think" they can get some & pull these kind of things on women. It doesn't matter how sick, ugly or disgusting you are there is someone out there for you...
What really blows my mind is the recentt trend of teen girls "meeting" guys over the internet & thinking that it's their "prince" charming... Hello?! Who's minding the home here?! Unfortunately no one. In the age of single parents, kids are left to fend for themselves...
sixxswine said:
But wait there's more...
Some Metallica fans got in on some action...

We shouldnt jump to conclusions... remember your presumed innocent till proven guilty.. if its the other way around then whats the point when we shove our ideals in iraq, and other places etc.. (no no political fights please lol its just a example) .. anyways like i said we shouldnt jump to conclusions.. i dont know how many roomies are from NY but recently in the past like 3 months this Fireman/Police groupie claimed the same thing and it turned out that she had consensual sex with 2 firefighters in the firehouse and sex with hundreds of others since 9/11 ... she later confessed that she lied about getting raped... it was in the news and newspapers here in NY... so it could happen to band members whether it was Satyricon or any other band (even the ones you admire in your CD player) but if it turned out they are guilty of it then yes they are assholes.. as for the Metallica fans that were with 12 year olds.. again presumption of innocence.. the girls could of convinced them they were 17 or 18 or whatever the legal age is in that state... but again if they are proven guilty then yes they are assholes too...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
We shouldnt jump to conclusions... remember your presumed innocent till proven guilty.. if its the other way around then whats the point when we shove our ideals in iraq, and other places etc.. (no no political fights please lol its just a example) .. anyways like i said we shouldnt jump to conclusions.. i dont know how many roomies are from NY but recently in the past like 3 months this Fireman/Police groupie claimed the same thing and it turned out that she had consensual sex with 2 firefighters in the firehouse and sex with hundreds of others since 9/11 ... she later confessed that she lied about getting raped... it was in the news and newspapers here in NY... so it could happen to band members whether it was Satyricon or any other band (even the ones you admire in your CD player) but if it turned out they are guilty of it then yes they are assholes.. as for the Metallica fans that were with 12 year olds.. again presumption of innocence.. the girls could of convinced them they were 17 or 18 or whatever the legal age is in that state... but again if they are proven guilty then yes they are assholes too...
My, my let's have some sympathy for sex offenders...:cry:
sixxswine said:
My, my let's have some sympathy for sex offenders...:cry:

I have no sympathy for sex offenders at all or any offender whether murderer, thief , rapist etc.. but let them have there day in court... in the eyes of the law they are innocent till proven guilty... how many times has the media or public for that matter prejudged a defendant and it was later proven he/she was innocent.. i know its not reality because society is more in the mindset of Guilty til proven innocent but that doesnt mean we should be like that... I guess you didnt read the story i said about the Fire Department where the groupie went to the firehouse for sex with 2 of them then cried rape but recanted and admitted she lied... this case with Satyricon could be deja vu thats all i mean.. I dont have sympathy for the devil (though that is one of my all time favorite songs lol ) but i am not going to prejudge till the case has been laid out and it has been proven they are guilty.... :wave:
sixxswine said:
My, my let's have some sympathy for sex offenders...:cry:
What ? I have to agree with him. Until all the FACTS are released it is nothing more than hear say. As far as girls meeting guys from the internet.... I met MY WIFE of five years on the internet !

sixxswine said:
Bryant, I was referring to "predators" meeting "girls" as in minors, as in not of legal age, as in not a consenting adult...

The girls could of looked 18 and said they were 18 or whatever the legal age is in the state that happened in... have you ever met someone's relative or friend or whatever and you thought they were 18 and above and later someone told you they were 15 or 16? .. some girls do look older and/or lie about their age to go out with a older guy that is 19 like the ones you mentioned in the story... :err:
Yeah, I can't get all up in arms about this until the facts come out. I thought the girl across the hall from me was in her late teens or early twenties but found out she was 14. Everything tends to fall on the males but girls will lie about their age at the drop of a hat. If a guy thinks he's about to get laid and the girl says she's 18+, the LAST thing he's thinking about is checking her ID. Maybe they should, but it doesn't happen in reality.
One way or another some cold hard facts:

a) is another down day for metal in the eyes of the media
b) a guy who takes sexual advantage of a women is a rapost here or in Jupiter
c) if the woman was underage is even worse!
d) guilty or not (I'm not into the judicial viewpoint) a guy in a band should know better. Groupies = trouble no matter who started the game.

My $0.02 thoughts on Christmas Eve
@ Bryant: cool you're the first person I know who actually met a woman through the Internet ;)
Wyvern said:
One way or another some cold hard facts:

a) is another down day for metal in the eyes of the media
b) a guy who takes sexual advantage of a women is a rapost here or in Jupiter
c) if the woman was underage is even worse!
d) guilty or not (I'm not into the judicial viewpoint) a guy in a band should know better. Groupies = trouble no matter who started the game.

My $0.02 thoughts on Christmas Eve
@ Bryant: cool you're the first person I know who actually met a woman through the Internet ;)

a) yes it is but metal as well as other music has always been looked at bad in the media no matter what

b) that's assuming a guy took advantage of the woman.. we were not there so we do not know.. its always a story of he said/she said

c)yes if underage its bad but again we werent there and do not know if the girl(s) told the 2 boys (yes they were boys because they themselves were only 19 i believe and are teenagers even though in the eyes of the law they are adults) if they were 18 or 19 and look that age... remember Tracy Lords may have been 15 or whatever when she was in porn but you cant deny she looked way older & she tricked a whole industry into believing she was at least 18... :ill:

d) it is a matter of guilty or not... if he is not guilty of it because the woman (and girls) lied then he did not do anything wrong.. it was the females who did the wrong in either the Satyricon case or the other case... anyways band members are human and being in a famous band has its perks like groupies... if you were a famous musician would u tell every groupie no i dont want to have sex with you because you might accuse me of rape? ... if so we and all those famous musicians in this world would be practicing alot of self love all the time unless they are married and their wives (or gf's) travel with them on tour lol .... :p

Cool Bryant.. i know quite a few people who have met through the internet in chatrooms and got married.. not me though cause im commitment phobic lol but more power to you... :wave:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
remember Tracy Lords may have been 15 or whatever when she was in porn but you cant deny she looked way older & she tricked a whole industry into believing she was at least 18... :ill:
Yeah, if I had knew at the time I would collected the movies :D

I know some women look older, I thought I girl I met in US was around 20 and she was 14 o_O at the time (when she reach 16 was even better...oh well).

But my point is exactly that, with groupies YOU DON'T know, so :erk: and keep your zipper closed :yell:. Better horny than in jail :p
SoundMaster said:
Alleged sex offenders. Remember, until proven, these are simply allegations.

If found guilty, however, throw the book at them!

Exactly. Couldn't it be possible that she's lying? Also, if she was a groupie, she knew damn well what she was getting into. I mean what was she expecting? A dozen roses and some sweet and tender talking? If they did it, sure it was wrong, but let's not accuse them until we know exactly what happened.

Bryant said:
... I met MY WIFE of five years on the internet !

Cool, I didn't know that :) I met my husband on the Maiden BB a couple of years ago, when it was still cool :D