Ways to not get laid...


Sep 16, 2001
Toronto , Canada
1 Tell the girl she looks like the dude Meatloaf,but with smaller titses
2 Tell her her ass looks like a billboard
3 pretend your blind and say "this fish market needs some glade pluggins"
4 Ask the lady if she has seen more cock ends then weekends
5 If you have asked any of these questions,hope you get smacked and a kick to the bag area haha
6 I did not make these sayings up it was .....LOM that crazy brain washa (rap style)
Troyanasy said:
You just like them breasstess from fight club!!!
No man, it was seeing the back of his head blown off, I saw how great of a satanic skullfuck he'd make.
It was LoM and this tyrant.....help

Introduce yerself as Richard Gozinya..... But you can call me Dick.

Amazingly that did get me a fairly desperate woman. Must have needed validation or something.