100 Ways to Kill Yourself With a Mop


The Entwined
Nov 23, 2001
Switzerland / Croatia
1 - Shove the mop thru your heart.
2 - Try to swallow the mop hair until you die from it.
3 - With the mop length wise infront of you, run full sprint into a brick homo.
4 - Leaving your mop at the bottom, drop your body of a mountain and carefully wait to brake your neck until you hit the mop.
5 - Light a mop on fire and have sex with it while you burn to death (this takes strength and patience).
6 - Dangle the mop in front of you then cut yourself with it. Bleed to death.
7 - Taunt your family with the mop and right when they are about to strike, put the mop stick thru your eyes and scream, "It's my world now!" Then finish by putting the mop into your brain.
8 - Try to mop the ghetto in the naked.
9 - Calmly die from mopping.
10 - Set yourself free by situating the mop deeply up your ass for a month.
11 - Mop up some pig blood then beat yourself till open wounds appear. Rub shitty mop hair in your cuts and wait.
12 - Sharpen the tip of your mop stick, balance it at a 90 degree angle, get a running start and leap into like a man.
13 - Free yourself with a mop, . . . simply let go.
14 - Skin yourself with a splintered you-know-what.
15 - Wait until you sweat then quickly grab a mop and crush your lower half.
16 - Pose with your mop until you starve: blame it on the mop.
17 - Mop your body with acid.
18 - Rig your mop with explosives, pack it up to explode when you open it, wrap it in sexy paper and mail it to youself.
19 - Brake up your mop tiny and smoke it hard.
20 - Form a plan to die mopping.
21 - Pound your temples with a mop and pass away.
22 - It will be your fault by dying with a mop if you make mopping your job for life.
23 - Holding your mop, ride your bike towards the lava. Right before you get there, jam the mop into your spokes.
24 - Play air guitar with your mop until the music in your head takes your soul away.
25 - Pretend the mop is a wild beast, start a fight with it and lose badly.
26 - Execute yourself by stangling yourself with a, . . . mop.
27 - Dose your mop in monkey cum and old lady blood: lick it dry.
28 - Put the mop inside-of-you-to-death.
29 - In the splender of the moment, wrap all of your veins around the mop and throw it far.
30 - Slice into your extremeties with two mops if your SO tough.
31 - Pogo stick with your mop into the black pit of pain.
32 - Turn your mop into a God damn gun and shoot yourself.
33 - Wear your mop to the "Mop Haters Ball" and taunt the big guys.
34 - Eat the mop until only one foot of it is left. Feeling very full and sick, cork your ass with remainder of the mop.
35 - In a flaming fit, snap your mouth in two and kill the opponent. Felling guilty about not feeling guilty, jab your mid section repeatidly until you are repremanded by the Grim Reeper.
36 - Tell the mop your story, get naked and dree the mop in your clothes. Say good bye.
37 - When you have a magic mop like I do, you just ask it, "Please be quick and keep it clean."
38 - Slide donuts down the stick till it is covered in delicious food. Go to the forest and sit in the bear cave. Wait and watch for the end to come and tear into you. The donuts make it really "real".
39 - Hold the mop over your head and jump of the sky scraper. Know just try to twist like a helicopter, stop and fly. This way you might have an argument when facing limbo.
40 - When mopping San Fransisco, fall into a flamer and be scorched to doom.
41 - Again you could get naked, sit there indian style, repeatedly smash your gentials with the head of the mop until you pass out and THEN don't wake up.
42 - When your mop tries to get you to wash the ocean floor, . . . do it.
43 - Out smart your mop by using tricks. It will get angry and cut you in half.
44 - Spill your guts to the broom and the jealous mop will get you.
45 - Die from strep while trying to pleasure your mop.
46 - Rip off the mop head with your throat.
47 - Romance your mop with you liver and guts.
48 - Use the mop as a tool to crank up the Musak till your ears burst and your spirit flies away, . . . BOLTON.
49 - Gertrude Bombswell, . . . strap ont he mop and try to rape Gertrude Bombswell.
50 - Tke a shower with the mop then go hang out int he swamp. The bugs take your life as time treads on the mop, . . . your weeping mop, . . . alone, . . . left behind, . . . Kirk Cameron style, . . .
51 - Put out the Fire of Life by soaking it out with a mop.
52 - Pimp your mop out to manipulative people who would like to see you die. They can convince it to splatter you against the end.
53 - Mop HARD!, . . . until the stick shrinks into paper then do paper cuts on your wrists.
54 - Pretend your mop is Bruce Lee. Spar with Bruce Lee until you fall off the bride into heavy traffic.
55 -Slave away on a floor stain with your trusty mop until you wash the spot to China. You will be arrested for trespassing, get raped and executed. Nice mop, huh?
56 - Break your mop into chunks and glue them to your body. Then float down Beaver Creek as still as a log. Don't move until you die.
57 - The difference between you and your mop is that you are going to die. That's it. Know it!
58 - Spank your own horney ass to death mop.
59 - While waiting for the perfect time, freeze your mop. After it has been frozen you can jump into the fire and say you were trying to put it out. Little do they know that your mop was a pitiful excuse for you to die.
60 - Watch your self use your mop like you are watching a movie were you die in the end.
61 - Give your mop head and puncture your brain.
62 - While the voice of God is screaming at you, wave your mop at his words so he crushes you.
63 - Strip down and fuck yourself to death with your mop. I stress TO DEATH.
64 - Meditate like a monster and make it your mission to die as soon as you touch a mop.
65 - Everyone knows that mopping everyday sucks badly so, . . . die.
66 - Get creative, . . . kill yourself with a mop.
67 - Shave a sharp piece off of your mop stick. Puncture a hole in a main vein and mop your blood up until you bleed to death.
68 - Run towards the President swinging your mop like a madman screaming, "It's Tom Hanks, the nemisis of Brom Blanks, brother to Hom Tanks". Someone will kill you because your mop is a threat and your words are red.
69 - Go try to mop the middle of a covered pool when you've had enough.
70- When you are in the middle of Brave Country, throw yourself into your work, act nasty when you are interrupted so the Natives show you the important exit. Indians didn't mop. They wouldn't understand.
71 - Do a line of anthrax and blame it on the mop because you're crazy.
72 - Hollow out your mop and fill it with West Nile mosquitos. Then break the bottom of your mop and suck like you are having a soda, . . . on Sunday, . . . it's your day, . . . to die from West Nile. Next month you can't handle it.
73 - Hold out your mop and wait for the vultures to land on it to eat you. When they start to eat you, let them.
74 - Balance your mop ont the top of a totum pole. Ask a local pilot from last weeks fall out to fly you over the pole while you leap out ass first towards the mop.
75 - Throw your mop into the future and try to chase it. There is no way you would survive.
76 - Detahc the mop head and take it as a sign from limbo to behead yourself.
77 - Take on the personality of the mop and force yourself upon the ninja huntress. She'll snatch your mop and kill you with it because they hate mop people, . . . rape people.
78 - Do a cart wheel into a split with percision and speed onto your mop. Then in agony, do a face plant head spin onto it while swiftly breaking your neck.
79 - Reach up top with your mop and knock the anvil over on yourself.
80 - Riding bare back acroos the desert on a horse with your mop, hunt for rattle snakes. When you find some, lay on your back and tease them with the mop.
81 - Try fighting the war alone with your mop.
82 - While your lips are cracking from the dryness, mop your mouth. In theory you should die, . . . what theory, I'm not sure.
83 - Sell out to the "Explorers Club for the Cleaning Floors of Hell Club" and don't tell anyone. In your investigations and reperations go out of your way to run into Satan. He'll see you holding your mop and sick big, gigantic monsters on you.
84 - Mop till you have a stroke.
85 - Mop your body until you dissappear.
86 - While you are washing the Shores of Eternal Forgiveness with your mop, forgive everyone you can think of, except for yourself. The sky turns black and the water current insane. Plunge into the freezing whirlpools and hold your mop tightly with both hands and feet instead of swimming.
87 - Mock a witch but use YOUR mop, not her broom. Then fly off of Everest.
88' - You've drawn the shortest mop. Picture it. Now you die. Shortest Mop, . . . live in infamy.
Rub your mop, . . . .shop at duty free.
Shortest mop has been built for you.
Built for you, . . . Shortest Mop
Built for you, . . . Shortest Mop
Built for you, . . .
Shortest Mop has been BUILT FOR YOU, . . .
da da da
89 - Because you are such a good worker, keep mopping the nuclear plant during the melt down.
90 - Being reluctant to kill yourself is just plain smart. But if it's gotta happen, use a mop. It'll help the collective mind set of the population.
91 - Don'ty try to currupt the mop by killing yourself with it, . . . instead, pretend the mop is a big pitch fork and feed yourself to yourself. Believe and your mop will go untainted.
92 - Tie the mop to your arm and try to stop the plane propellar.
93 - Mop the dance floor on heavy drugs while you burn in the Disco Inferno.
94 - At the end of twenty yards of fire, stabilize your mop at throat level, sprint to it and don't stop. You're knocked out into the fire.
95 - Auction of your mop to a man or women who kills people with mops.
96 - Mop till you drop.
97 - Carry your mop into an Israele school bus. Tell the suicide bomber you have a better job the he. Poke him with the mop.
98 - Fish for Great Whites with your mop. Hang your self as the bait.
99 - Swap the poop deck with vigor and prove to the Mop Gods your life is worth a hundred deaths. Make the trade and thank the Mop with a capital "M".
100 - Write a list about killing yourself with a mop. Make the quoto high and the carpel tunnel hard. Suicide bomb the mop in vindiction.