And I know this is the ultimate in fanboyness... but I came across some of the exact "Wild Child" stickers that Alexi had on his original guitar... so if anybody wants one, let me know and we'll work something out.
DeathPact said:Shit its sounds so sweat. Well maby whe should make a bit more posts and group up the ppl.
Im suprised whe cant get 100 guys.
Well that being said I dont have that kinda money, so maby a cheap version of his guitar lol maby a bolt on neckbut keep the floyd rose and the EMG pickup and the shape obviously.
*thinking what he can sell*
*thinking what he can sell from his mother*
*thinking of selling his body for it*
Actually I paid for all of it myself. And I built that guitar.DeathPact said:bobvex u biatch did u get that from your rich dady's pocket???!! your the same age as me and looks like u got some $$$ equipment there !!
PS i will so PWN your ass in Cstrike u will pray for a hospital in a hospital