Waysted/M.ill.ion cancelled


Sep 9, 2002
To anyone concerned and to exxie in particular:
The Waysted/M.ill.ion UK tour have been cancelled. www.waysted.co.uk

And exxie, I was supposed to get back to you regarding the Dudley-gig...
I forgot about that, hope I'm excused...

I had a premonition something like this was going to happen.
Unfortunately I was right....
Hi,Thankyou ever so much for letting me know that.It happens eh! Yeah your excused mate i fully understand.I'm sure we will see you soon at another time hopefully i will have check in on your own web site!! Take care,be safe, once again thankyou for such a good night at Jb's
Friend Exxie/Paul :worship: :loco:
Yeah, I really hope we will be back at JB's soon. It was a great place to play and many nice people were around!
Take care and all the best till next time! Rock on mate!