WD...About tHe limited DVD cd thing


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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Its AWSOME. The cd case is top shelf. Well done.

Another cool thing, it woulda been cooler if id known, BEFORE....hehe, it costed the same as the NORMAL edition. hahaha


Your vox sucked at times on Engines of Hate though on the DVD. And I dont like your pork chop sideburns or your haT, ORTHE GOOFY MASK. oTHERWISE..YOU KICKED ASS.

That stupid Face Curran makes when he bends over the crowd, you should give him orders about that as well, like tell him to kinda...STOP. hahahaha.

Oh yeah, on the dvd, nest in line, it says..'the next in line'.

Super cool packageing, super cool dvd.

How many were made?

Also, at the record store, Ron said that the chic he orders form says the set is sold out already, and if he has any copies that dont sell, he can send them back for a refund, cause its in demand.

coo shit hey.

On the images: Jeff = FUNNY LOOKING hhahahahahahaha

thanks for the dvd cd set you screaming motherfucker.
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ledmag said:
Its AWSOME. The cd case is top shelf. Well done.

Another cool thing, it woulda been cooler if id known, BEFORE....hehe, it costed the same as the NORMAL edition. hahaha


Your vox sucked at times on Engines of Hate though on the DVD. And I dont like your pork chop sideburns or your haT, ORTHE GOOFY MASK. oTHERWISE..YOU KICKED ASS.

That stupid Face Curran makes when he bends over the crowd, you should give him orders about that as well, like tell him to kinda...STOP. hahahaha.

Oh yeah, on the dvd, nest in line, it says..'the next in line'.

Super cool packageing, super cool dvd.

How many were made?

Also, at the record store, Ron said that the chic he orders form says the set is sold out already, and if he has any copies that dont sell, he can send them back for a refund, cause its in demand.

coo shit hey.

On the images: Jeff = FUNNY LOOKING hhahahahahahaha

thanks for the dvd cd set you screaming motherfucker.

although you're a blithering idiot, i have to agree with you that the vocals "sucked at times on Engines of Hate," as well as your observation about the "pork chop sideburns or your haT, ORTHE GOOFY MASK." they reminded me of lynyrd skynyrd.
flame bait>>>Yeah, my wife said the LS southern rock thing as well as you. BTW, who cares if im a blithering idiot.

NOGIE>>>Mine is in a baggy at the moment for that very reason. IT is apt to be scratched all to hell otherwise. I forgot to mention that in my opening essay.

Big N>>I agree on the quality. Not totally, but somewhat. They could have stuck some interview stuff on the dvd. That would have upped the overall coolness of the thing. Plus, they could have waited till the EoR vid was finished, then stuck it on there as well.
I love the way you sing, except for in that one song on that one cd, that sucked. Please do not ever sing like that again.
I love your hair, except for the way it is in that pic, please change the way you wear your hair, maybe some curls & pink bows? That would be nice.
I think the clothes you wear are really cool, but there was one outfit that I saw that was AWFUL. Please do not ever wear that again.

I feel like I can tell you these things because I listen to your music so that gives me the right to dictate how I think you should dress & act.

Just remember, You rock dude!

Your close personal fan,
Blah blah blah
the mistress>>>Well, he may just want to know when he looks stupid. He also just may want some constructive crit. He is a fucking musician. I play the axe, and i love it when i get consrtuctive crit. It helps to hear another persons point of view.

Plus, since i bought the goddamn thing, i have every fucking right to post a fucking review you dizzy fucking leather slut.

NOt to mention, im not gonna kiss his ass when i was not fully satisfied with the sounds and sights.BUt over all it rocked out.

BIG N>>>YEah, your right about the other vids being released. IMO, its cool that they are all on the same disc now.
NOLORDY>>>I thought that myself. BUt then i also thought, we all pretty much do it anyway. But i think she jumped the gun, and poped it before she aimed. SHe types what she wants, so shall I.
ledmag said:
BIG N>>>YEah, your right about the other vids being released. IMO, its cool that they are all on the same disc now.

i didnt say it was bad. i am happy that i got the limited thing and i knew what's on it and so i could actually decide myself wether i buy it or not but i just wanted to express that some NEW stuff would have been way cooler (i mean unreleased tracks, if there are some, new live videos etc). but i dont think that nevermore made the DVD...iot was rather CM...
"Dizzy fucking leather slut"

Oh yeah, talk dirty some more!

I am the queen of everything.

Just so you know.

You can state your opinions of the cd.

But critisizing an artists style, clothes, hair.......That is taking it too far.

You paid for the music. That is all.

You are dismissed.
I actually agree with Mistress Masie... the music you payed for was created for the fans and for the fans to critisize, but as for clothing, etc... thats his own style, leave it be.