NotJunior,used 2days date
"[PhecdaDyslexica]A bit disappointed that i was totally slammed on the Spelling of WARRELs
Name.. but you know, No one knows "gods" REAL name.. right..
Ms DissLex!!! Your Tribute was and is marvelous!!! Many great people have not spelled everything just like the Legalists desire!!! It is the Best I have seen in the manner of providing lyrics, and the music syncs perfectly! The audio and video are soulmates. You have done well, and only a FOOL would overlook all that is wonderful, to seek some small insignificant difference. I personally LOVE your Video, and others I have seen under your pseudonym. You are very creative, and also, while many attempt to tranmit charisma across the net, you do naturally, what others only are able to strive at. Hence, anticipate jealousy, and pitiful comments not related to that which is most important. Those with able minds see, that which is, significant! :hotjump:
*transmit misspelleed on purpose, for anyone who needs to hop on something insignificant to raise themself to the level of Petty Negative Critic!
Name.. but you know, No one knows "gods" REAL name.. right..

Ms DissLex!!! Your Tribute was and is marvelous!!! Many great people have not spelled everything just like the Legalists desire!!! It is the Best I have seen in the manner of providing lyrics, and the music syncs perfectly! The audio and video are soulmates. You have done well, and only a FOOL would overlook all that is wonderful, to seek some small insignificant difference. I personally LOVE your Video, and others I have seen under your pseudonym. You are very creative, and also, while many attempt to tranmit charisma across the net, you do naturally, what others only are able to strive at. Hence, anticipate jealousy, and pitiful comments not related to that which is most important. Those with able minds see, that which is, significant! :hotjump:
*transmit misspelleed on purpose, for anyone who needs to hop on something insignificant to raise themself to the level of Petty Negative Critic!