We blastbeat a dead horse (Nü-Screamo)


smash that.
Jul 3, 2011
Vienna, Austria
Sooooo, i still think 90s screamo is awesome albeit unlistenable, i love it.

I want to share/show off the first track of my bands new album, everything played, no click, quite some editing


if anybody likes or hates what they hear be so kind an drop a line, i always love getting responses from people who are not really accustomed to the genre/style (a assumption i made based on the type of music usually posted here).
the 2 rise of caligula songs youtube spew out are amazing, perfect fix until sunbather is released :)

the song we're doing a video for actually has one of those isis-ish chorus parts, zero blackmetal vibe but def. tapping into that genere, glad you like it!

video is here, we tracked the whole thing in a small but very highquality studio in south germany (Ghostcity studios). I can only recommend Jan Kerscher and his studer of wonder.
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