We Mourn The Passing of an Old Friend

Which is more tr00 black metal coffee?

Iced Coffee, as cold as the empty souls haunted by the northern winds... or Hot Coffee, as hot as the inner flames burning in hell?

Good question...

Ok, the skull in the coffee is awesome!!!!!

Milton, in answer to your question, I believe iced coffee is for sissies who can't handle the burning awesomeness of hot coffee in the middle of a southern summer (or northern US, for that matter).
I'm not a fan of Black or Death metal, but given that Norwegians and Germans seem to have a death grip on the genre, I'm voting for hot coffee - they're not the sissies that came up with the concept of "iced" coffee. :D

Hahahahaha go talk to Voyager or Firewind... conflicting reports say it comes from either Australia or Greece.. :lol:

I could swear that Iced Coffee is a favorite drink by martial arts enthusiasts? :tickled::tickled:
Hahahahaha go talk to Voyager or Firewind... conflicting reports say it comes from either Australia or Greece.. :lol:

I could swear that Iced Coffee is a favorite drink by martial arts enthusiasts? :tickled::tickled:

I think Greece or Italy came up with iced coffee (or Starbucks). As for the martial arts thing, well, my dad is German and my mum is British, they don't put ice in their caffeine. Least, not traditionally. ;)