We need some help...


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
My band is in the votings for a big metalfestival at which we can play with bands like kataklysm, morbid angel and marduk. since a few days one of those bands in the voting has a raise in votes that seems to be cheated. it's very easy actually when you have a server and space for 500 emailaccounts.

we're still on the first place but it's jut a matter of days. I'm not a bad loser but it's allmost clear that this band is cheating. they have like 20 visits a day on their myspace profile but their votes raised from 3 to 18% in like 3 days while nothing happened for weeks.

we're not going to cheat, thats why I ask you guys for help... takes two minutes and would be really appreciated. here's a link:


the band that's obviously cheating is called "the splatter and gore department". they even stole our banner (they took our gif and put their bands name above ours). they had to put it down after I wrote them.

too bad there's absolutely no way to contact anybody at this festival. I hope they'll do some kind of IP check to see if a lot of votes came from one person.

Would be a great chance for us because the place we come from has absolutely nothing to offer for metalheads.


We need every vote we can get!

I will pay you guys off with our next release in the end of this year (or in the beginning of next year) :)

come on... it's just a minute or two and it's done :)
thanks for the help!

our next record will have somewhere between 7 - 9 tracks. we can't wait to record it! we're just in the middle of songwriting (the songs are finished but we're still working on arangements and beeing able to play them:)) and if we keep working like now it won't take too long... I hope. :)
I hope you allready checked that song from our pre-production that we uploaded on myspace? It's called "The Croon" and I think that the record will sound something like that and pretty sure who's doing mastering for us ;). I finally want to mic up my krank but I allready think it's not going to sound that great because it's the first time I mic my amp. We'll see :)

lol, thanks dude! you may tell everone you know. oh and by the way: sony just wrote us today. no joke. they want to have our demo and visit one of our concerts. have no idea what that means for us.