We r all.....

Mar 14, 2002
...alive :) just beeing busy with this santa thing...opening gifts etc.
Right now i´m working with some new material for the next album...if there will be any, cause we only signed for 2 albums with Hammerheart. But don´t worry, we´ll work that out..
Happy new year by the way!!!!! :)
Originally posted by SkyfireAndreas
Right now i´m working with some new material for the next album...if there will be any, cause we only signed for 2 albums with Hammerheart. But don´t worry, we´ll work that out..
psht. if anyone at the fuckin label has ears they wont let you go. hows about lettin some more lil samples of MR slip out? hmmm? pretty please?
haha....well good to hear from you Andreas. Dont worry bout the Hammerheart thing, we'll bomb their HQ if they dont resign ya :D
even in a time of drought (of the band memebers) the few who stayed loyal and did not faulter witness the long awaited return of the great ones.

...dont really know what im trying to say there but it sounds pretty cool :p

anyway, welcome back guys
wouldn't it be nealizations?

or are you just nizealizationifying it on purpose?