we rocked out


Resident Alcoholic
Apr 12, 2002
New York
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Last night...me and my friend Mike...had a "gig" type of thing at my old high school / his current high school...and we rocked the socks off of everyone there...

We played Silent Night, Bodom Night almost flawlessly...if thats a real word...and got the standing O...

It was one of the best times I've ever had...even with all that nervousness before hand...but it all went away once I stepped out onto the stage...I didn't even notice the audience...I completely zoned them out and just played my guitar...and its something I'd like to do till I'm physically unable to rock out...

Bodom is one of the best things that has ever happened to me...without them, I doubt I'd be the person I am today...I wouldn't know half the people I know because I've met so many people through their music...and I definately wouldnt be the guitar player I am today...

Anyways...thats my little rant on how Bodom has affected my life...If any of the members of CoB are reading this...I just want to tell them that their music has made a difference to somebody on the other side of the world...in the U S of A...

Wold have been fucking cool to play at my high school and rock like all hell was lose :headbang:

Especially since there is alot of posers and other non-human beings in my school :p
ahahaha back when i was in high school i would have never palyd bodom! The people I want to school with were not worth to hear such good music :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
Sounds totally fucking amazing man. I would love to have enough faith in my guitar talent to be able to play some of my favorite songs live (or even my own songs). Keep up the good fuckin work :headbang:
Originally posted by EagleFlyFree
that's superb! i'd just love to make my whole school listen to CoB, it'd blow them inside out :)

congrats man!

Same friggin thing here!!!
the thing nearest to "rock" that these people listen is... believe it or not... GRUNGE!!

:eek: :eek:

**turns into a pile of dust
Soon, my band will play in Battle Of The Bands held in my school auditorium. We're playing 3 songs. 2 Bodom and 1 cover. The Children songs will be Bed Of Razors and Hatebreeder.

I need help. Which song should we open and close with?
@ Silent Downfall 2

Me....I live in a little place called Bumblefuck, Long Island...More commonly known as Westbury....There aren't many people around here who actually listen to good music....just a handful of us...The general theme around these parts is "If it isn't on MTV, or if Carson doesn't tell me to listen to it, then it can't be good music".....and I hate those people....with a passion....

As for the Bodom song....I didn't do the sweep part in it...I'm not that good yet...but I just learned how to do the sweep part in the begining to Bed of Razors, so I'm getting there....I've been playin for jubst about a year now....My friend Mike, who got me into bands like Bodom and Opeth played the lead with all of those lovely sweeps....he's been playin for about 3 years and is insane at it....

And I got fucked over so many times in high school when I tried to play there....I had to wait to graduate, then come back because some friends of mine asked me as a favor to play some little event in the auditorium....