We should schedule a board sick-in for sometime in September


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
where everybody (well, almost everybody; i realise some of us don't have the freedom of sickdays that the rest of us do) calls out and plays videogames/runs around outside/shops/whatever all they want. and occasionally posts about it. i seriously have about four weeks of sick time i'm never going to use, barring cancer.

then Mark will meticulously send copies of our gloating, relaxed posting that day to the boss of each poster who hasn't Donated and get us fired.
Damn. And I was just going to suggest that we have a board Godzilla movie marathon. Of course, for that... we'd need someone to come up with a Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster tape and stuff...
I am actually sick right now.. but that doesnt mean I dont work!! Since all of my 18 yr old coworkers NEED the weekend off to go drink with their friends, I get to close 6 days in a row with a major sinus infection!! THANKS GUYS!
ok, look, look, this is being planned for September so you have plenty of time to re-arrange your namby-pamby schedules, and we'll pick a day that's most convenient (a Wednesday, maybe, to break up the week?) and THIS IS AN EXCUSE TO RELAX, DAMMIT.

it actually hurts me to stay home sick, because i can screw around on the Internet all day at work anyway BUT i can also knock off some easy work while i do so, and since i have a soft quota i ought to meet each week, NOT going to work simply means i'll have to work harder (and screw around on the Internet less) on other days. with no benefit except i can sleep until noon instead of nine, and big whoop.

you all are a bunch of work loving freaks! whatever happened to the spirit of screwing your job and bolting just for the sake of fucking everyone else over!

p.s. the world, unfortunately, does not stop when we miss work, sadly...
as a younger lad, I frequently blew off work. but when I became a parent, and my wife started home schooling, I realized that my sick leave represents an insurance policy of sorts; if I stroke out or am incapacitated for eight or ten weeks, my paychecks will continue. I'm not usually a practical person but in this case I actually made a wise choice.
family shmamily...!!!
