We should totally do more offshore drilling.


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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Because it's totally non-destructive to the environment ever and oil leaks are clearly "natural" and nature will clean itself up over time. And hell, now we have cars that runs on water! From the Gulf of Mexico!

Fuck you, BP. Fuck you, oil companies, fuck you people who vote against the use of renewable energy because it's 'inconvenient.' Fuck you using your own fucking oil as lube.

Hey, I heard there was a massive leak at the Horse Hollow Wind Farm in Texas. People all over the state are reporting a gentle breeze.


Because it's totally non-destructive to the environment ever and oil leaks are clearly "natural" and nature will clean itself up over time. And hell, now we have cars that runs on water! From the Gulf of Mexico!

Fuck you, BP. Fuck you, oil companies, fuck you people who vote against the use of renewable energy because it's 'inconvenient.' Fuck you using your own fucking oil as lube.

Hey, I heard there was a massive leak at the Horse Hollow Wind Farm in Texas. People all over the state are reporting a gentle breeze.


...............So what exactly are you trying to say?:lol:

Because it's totally non-destructive to the environment


and oil leaks are clearly "natural"


and nature will clean itself up over time.

Actually, true. :)

Fuck you, BP. Fuck you, oil companies, fuck you people who vote against the use of renewable energy because it's 'inconvenient.' Fuck you using your own fucking oil as lube.

Understandable anger. I think you should blaze a trail on this...and immediately surrender the keys to all petroleum-powered cars you own or use. :heh:

I don't vote against renewable energy because it's "inconvenient," I vote against government-mandated and funded renewable energy because, in some parts of the country, it simply isn't feasible to use solar or wind power. Georgia is one of these areas; in fact, very few parts of the country can use both.


:lol: :lol:
Crud, forgot this bit:

NASA article said:
The May 18 NOAA update also noted that "NOAA extended the boundaries of the closed fishing area in the Gulf into the northern portion of the loop current as a precautionary measure to ensure seafood from the Gulf will remain safe for consumers. The closed area is now slightly less than 19 percent of the Gulf of Mexico federal waters."

Weird, judging from all the hoopla and dire-looking maps you'd think it'd be more than 19 percent.

Meanwhile, some tar-balls washed ashore in S. Florida, causing a panic until it was firmly established that they could not have originated with the Deepwater Horizon blowout.
We can't summon him, as the power of Heart is nowhere to be found on the internet.
Seriously. I couldn't even find it on Google Maps!


Real life, though, Ma-Ti got tired of all the other planeteers getting "Legit powers" complaining of his "Stupid shit that is only useful for making dolphins do tricks." stating also "I'm tired of everyone calling me a fag. Espcially you Wheeler, Your homophobia is only equaled by the depth by which your head is shoved up your ass." Neither Ma-Ti nor Wheeler could be reached for comment.
I hear the Planeteers were in Arizona when 4 of them were suddenly deported. The US Government has commandeered their rings and is currently on their way to the Gulf with the Fire and Wind rings to "Fix the Problem".

Understandable anger. I think you should blaze a trail on this...and immediately surrender the keys to all petroleum-powered cars you own or use.

Oh come on, I didn't even call out stupid ass hummer drivers. As soon as there's a viable, tested, reliable alternative I will though, I can't wait to get off gas. I'm calling out the company that now apparently controls the coast guard and public beaches.
I have concerns about hybrid technology and the devastaion mining that is required to currently produce them. But I'm not sure if its worse than what occurs for say... 40 mpg normal gas car.
I have concerns about hybrid technology and the devastaion mining that is required to currently produce them. But I'm not sure if its worse than what occurs for say... 40 mpg normal gas car.

My favorite fewls are the ones who say "OMG! We totally have to go to plug-in electric vehicles! Think of all the pollution we'd save!"

--While somehow forgetting that all that electricity to charge the batteries on their electric vehicles has to come from SOMEWHERE...... Coal, maybe, or natural gas, or nuclear......
TANSTAAFL, people. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
Yep. That's an issue. Though, I think its been calculated to show that the total pollution caused by recharging an electric vehicle is less than that caused by refueling gas cars. As we get more renewable generation it will become less of an issue as well.
Depends on where you get your electricity,too. if you get your juice from a dam, then...yeah. go for it.

Another thing that gets me is that with all the moving, spinning parts in a car...all that wasted potential energy...

Seriously they just need to get it over with and invent the car that runs on how awesome the driver is. I would never run out of fuel.