We take stuff for granted a lot.


Dark Overlord
Apr 28, 2002
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Today, the power in my area went out for about 2 hours. I was just sitting here about to click a thread and suddenly all the lights turned off and it became silent. I sat still for about 10 mintues thinking about what to do. I thought about warming up some lunch in the microwave and well, the microwave doesnt work too well when theres no power. Well, to take up time i went out and cut the grass while listening to dark tranquillity :lol:
Another similar scenario is Audiogalaxy... I didn't really realize how good it was till it was gone. What are your thoughts, etc?
Its easy to take my abilties to play guitar for granted, when we play shows and what not it all comes automatic to me, I dunno what I'll do if something happens to my hands or something.

I take my looks and alot of times my charm for granted too, I abuse it alot, which is sort of an asshole-ish thing to do.

I also definately take living in the USA for granted.
I take my life for granted, sometimes (well, a lot of times) I do risky stuff, thinking I'm some sort of god or smt, never thinking about the posibility of dying or getting seriously injured, heck sometimes I waste time like if I was going to live forever :cry:
Wanna start a club? I think I'm already in it... (ok, honsetly not
that much risk-taking nowadays as before...)

I take my education for granted. not good. I should've worked a
lot harder... but today I calculated my average, and it's actually a
lot better than I assumed :D
Anyhow! It should've been even better if I didn't fool around as
much as I do! Damn! (Well - now it's vacation! Hail!)
I have taken time for granted...itseems only yesterday that i was in highschool and now i have been outfor quite some years now...and it seemsas though my life s going nowhere fast...:(
Well, I take 2 things for granted:

The first one is that if I don't think about it, I take the age, capacities, apearance and existence of the people I care about for granted.

Then, the other one is that, I take for granted that people can understand every links I've made in my head to go from a subject to another in a conversation, as if they've been reading my mind...well, not so often anymore...but if I don't think about it, it still happens...
Now that i think of it, i sort of take my voice for granted. no, im not a good singer or anything, but my uncle had cancer in his voice box because of smoking and had to have it removed and have a hole in his neck. not fun, writing down everything you want to tell people.

Anyways. Why cant everyone put their real location? Thanatos certainly isnt around my corner. :Smokedev: :wave: :loco:
I think everyone takes everything for granted. You won't realize just how important some things are until they're gone. Hearing, sight, the ability to talk...no one ever stops and really appreciates the fact that they have these abilities. They bitch about how they're not getting this or that and are too worried about what they DON'T have instead of what they DO have. I have an Autistic/Albino brother, and he can't do half the things we enjoy doing. So I guess I think about this stuff more than most people...

NP: Rapture - "While The World Sleeps"
In a material sence there are many things I take for granted. Electricity, my computer, my cds, etc. But in a personal sense I don't believe I have anything to take for granted except my existence because I'm fucking worthless.