We Want Aa n Turkey!

Eisbär said:

Hoyn you fuckin' mean piece of shit:grin::grin:
Man, but this is good:)
But one thing's left: don't kick Labandunga in his ass any longer, okay?
I think he doesn't understand such jokes.

Bah, didn't read that in time :D
Patric said:
Haha där ser du hoyn, nu har du turkjävlarna på dig också.

Jag hoppas han inte tar illa upp, men han borde nog lära sig lite mer engelska innan han ger sig in på sånt här ... :)

Han verkar inte direkt fatta poängen :confused:
Labandunga said:
ı bet u all have seen AA alive
we want to see them alive too! is only the germans and americans are the only fans?
If AA came to Israel, they'll make it to Turkey sooner or later. Hey hoym, nice joke with AA "Turkey" edition....
Tomasz said:
What or who is an american? Define/descirbe one if you can.

NP: Grave Digger - Rheingold
American for me is those who live in North & South America , including the Caribbean.