We want Zyklon!!!

ain't gonna happen. A) theres no way they could get a deacent slot B) they cost a lot C) DM isn't popular amongst most BS fans.

All the same what with them being one of my Fave bands I'd still be overjoyed to see them. Instead I'd recomend you go and see them at the Underworld next satday (Like I am:D)
Im not behind Zyklon... I have my DM appreciating moments but id rather see some top class power metal.... Bring on the Ray! come on vince, you said ages ago youd announce soon... any news yet?
A lot of you want a 100% PM fest which is unfair on those of us who simply don't like PM. I think a lot of you are thinking about yourselves and not the good of the fest, I accept that Gamma Ray would pull in the crowds, but I'm not going too see them, why bother, I don't go about saying "we don't want GR". please remember that not everyone likes PM and that Black metal didn't flop last year like a lot of you thought it would (Cruel Humanity were brilliant). Basicaly If Darkthrone wanted to play BS would you turn them down, even tho' it would pull in more people than GR (what with them not having played live in 8 years)... It cirtanly did at Waken (Darkthrone's Nocturo Culto is playing a half hour set with Satyricon as a backing band).

Ie. sorry to rant but please respect other peoples opinions
I dont thinik its a case of respect i think thats the great thing about this board, most people respect the fact that others like different things but i think also Bloodstock is a predominantly power metal orientated festival... there are doom bands and the second stage has more of the extreme stuff but why change a festival thats going so well? the fact is that power metal bands are harder to get to this country from what i gather so bloodstock is the remedy to that... Maybe if the festival grows then itll be more likely?
Oh I accept that and I'll come to this fest no matter what (I'm open minded enough to give anyone a try), but there are a lot of extreme bands (granted Zyklon isn't one of them) who just don't play here very often.

Actualy what is everones opinion on The Gatehring, I love them and they are still (just) metal but they have left the UK off their reacent world tour:( inspite of getting 2 sold out dates in Chillie. Lets be honest there are next to no Gothic Metal bands that aren't at least partialy influenced by TG and they are a superb band. I'm not saying this year but next year they'd be great for a Guest slot.
I think its just one of those things mate... Dont expect extreme metal at Bloodstock, at least not on the mainstage... Maybe it'll change, who van say apart from Vince and the other guys running it... Im happy with it right now as are most people i get the impression... If it aint broken dont fix it...
i'd love to be going to that Zyklon gig next weekend, unfortunatly i live about 100 quid away from london and theres no chance i will make it, but there is no way i'm missing bloodstock no matter what the lineup. last year was a complete blast.
I think though that more extreme bands is a good idea for the festival, power metal is great and all but it's not called the powermetal festival or anything, as far as i was aware it is a metal fest for "real metal-heads", and I as a metal head would love to see someone like Zyklon or Peccatum on the bill. anyone with me?
Baletempest said:
Oh I accept that and I'll come to this fest no matter what (I'm open minded enough to give anyone a try), but there are a lot of extreme bands (granted Zyklon isn't one of them) who just don't play here very often.

Actualy what is everones opinion on The Gatehring, I love them and they are still (just) metal but they have left the UK off their reacent world tour:( inspite of getting 2 sold out dates in Chillie. Lets be honest there are next to no Gothic Metal bands that aren't at least partialy influenced by TG and they are a superb band. I'm not saying this year but next year they'd be great for a Guest slot.

I love The Gathering ... and would love to see them at Bloodstock!
Every year we get the extreme metal fans moaning because of the lack of extreme metal at Bloodstock. This I find this strange as I'd class both the Saturday Headlining bands as extreme metal.

Maybe I should go onto the Infenal Damnation Festival message board and moan about the lack of power metal.

And I know Bloodstock isn't a power metal fest (Though I do wish it purely was). It is however the only UK fest that caters for my tastes in metal so obviously I'm going to oppose anyone who wants to alter the current formula.

well, my thoughts on this one.

I've only ever made it to '03. I though the overall mis of styles was good, but perhaps a little over towards power metal. When I say a little, I mean by one or two bands.

Also, it would be nice to get some bigger non-power bands on the main stage and smaller power bands in the Darwin. Oterwise, the mix is cool.

I don't think anyone hear is trying to drasticaly change the formula, but just get it tweaked a little.

I'm no huge DM fan, but I don't object to it's presence.
Slev said:
well, my thoughts on this one.

I've only ever made it to '03. I though the overall mis of styles was good, but perhaps a little over towards power metal. When I say a little, I mean by one or two bands.

Also, it would be nice to get some bigger non-power bands on the main stage and smaller power bands in the Darwin. Oterwise, the mix is cool.

I don't think anyone hear is trying to drasticaly change the formula, but just get it tweaked a little.

I'm no huge DM fan, but I don't object to it's presence.
Bad idea!

Why tweak something that's working fine?
I think the way bloodstock is organised is very fitting (with mainly power metal on the main stage and more 'extreme' metal in the Darwin Suite). Mixing up the two types of metal on the different stages would simply lead to confusion and inconvenience as fans of the different genres have to move back and forth between the two different stages.

If it ain't broke don't fix it!
I would like to point out that last year there were 21 bands on the bill and only 4 were Power Metal (Dragonforce, Power Quest, Edguy and Masterplan). Saxon, Blaze and Saracen are Classic Heavy Metal. Nightwish and Mercury Rain - Gothic Operatic, Paradise Lost - Gothic, and all the others a generous mix of styles.

This year we have Bodom (not Power), Edenbridge (not Power), Primal Fear (definitely not Power more trad Heavy Metal), Balance of Power (not Power - compare their latest Heathen Machine CD with Dragonforce and PQ - no comparison in style - so these are trad metal), Threshold are Progressive, Cruachan are pagan celtic folk metal. The only Power metal bands so far this year are Arctica (who even some say are not power) and Intense!

During the 80's and 90's did anyone pigeonhole the lineups of Donington - I don't think so - they were just "Metal" festivals regardless of whether it was AC/DC, Maiden, Metallica, Quo, Gillan, Priest, Rainbow, Kiss, Halen, Motorhead, Leppard, Bad News, Ozzy, Saxon, Megadeth, Queensryche, Black Crowes, Heep, Thunder, Quireboys, 'Snake (so many different styles yet all are just plain "metal" and all powerful or "monsters of rock" in their own right) and this is what BLOODSTOCK is - just a good-old metal festival with the best bands we can realistically get for each years lineup !!!
Well said Vince but i do have to say that if we were broadly pidgeon holeing bands then i would, broadley speaking of course, put a few of those bands under the Power banner... although i agree that they all differ very much in their own ways...
Well, I am seeing Children of Bodom and thats the only reason i decided to go.

Sonata Arctica and the possibility of Sinergy are amazing also.

CoB and Sinergy are my favourite bands ever and they are not powermetal.
I stand by my claim that you could broadley put them under the banner of power, the music has a lot owing to power metal, they arent power metal, but they are relatives.. distant cousins shall we say...