We want Zyklon!!!

I do want to say that I do not and have never really expected to see Extreme on the main stage (Its better on small venues, as any good DM fan will tell you) but I wouldn't be dissapointed if there was. I love the fest as it is, but I'd like too see a single Black or Death Metal band on the second stage, the only reason I sudgest a lot of them is because... well I like a lot of them, I'm not into power or Trad or whatever you call it so I'm not gonna sudgest bands when I don't have a clue about them. Also I try to sudgest bands that haven't played in the UK before (like Enochian Crescent, Funeris Nocturnum, Swallow The Sun etc.)

Eagle: CoB aren't extreme, they're really a mix of various styles and they've pulled it off so well that Power, Thrash, Death and even Black metal fans all like them and TBH they're the first headliner I've actualy wanted to see, and I know you PM fans get screwed over in the UK, and TBH I think it'd be best if all these PM acts looked at BS and realised that they are welcome over here and showed up more often.

The Enchanted for Darwin suite... come on Vince...please:)
Baletempest said:
Eagle: CoB aren't extreme, they're really a mix of various styles and they've pulled it off so well that Power, Thrash, Death and even Black metal fans all like them and TBH they're the first headliner I've actualy wanted to see, and I know you PM fans get screwed over in the UK, and TBH I think it'd be best if all these PM acts looked at BS and realised that they are welcome over here and showed up more often.

The Enchanted for Darwin suite... come on Vince...please:)
Well said, and maybe someday that powers that be realize that Power Metal is alive in the UK.

In a year or 2 when there's a bloodstock outdoor fest then hopefully there will be 2 big stages (like wacken) with one catering for Trad/Power/Heavy Metal and the other for more Death/Black/Thrash Metal. That should please everyone. For the time being though I'm very bloody pleased with this year's Bloodstock line Up and at the moment there's not one band on the bill that I dislike (which is more for what I can say about any other european festival).

We will however have to agree to dissagree about Bodom as I still class them as an extreme metal band, but really whatever genre you class them as they're an excellent. So who cares?

I will also agree that The Enchanted would be fine asset to bloodstock.
Basically I class extreme bands as any band who
a)plays white noise.
b)has pretty harsh vocals.

So for me CoB all into category b. I still love them, and I admit they aren't as extreme as a horde of other bands.
I think Vince's comments are right. And we power-metal fans really do get screwed over in the UK because PM is a predominantly european phenomenon and there's just not the market here, or they don't realise there is. Anyway, in contrast, Dark Funeral are playing in Bradford later this year. A PM band of equal stature playing up north just ain't going to happen, so personally I'm glad Bloodstock is power-orientated. Extreme stuff is good at certain moments... but I have to be in the right mood and I expect that's the same for many other people on this board. If we aren't in the mood on the day... it ain't gonna be as enjoyable. I think the proportions of power-extreme-other types at Bloodstock are fair to the preportions of the audience who like those genres.