
Originally posted by alexofbodom
Does anyone know what the weather will be like in Atlanta over the weekend? I hope it won't rain.

You can find local weather conditions here....

Currently, we're looking at mostly clear skies Thurs & Fri, with a chance of light showers on Sat. The temps during the day will range from low 50s to mid 60s, with evening temps in the 40s.

Originally posted by Daybreaker
Should I wear my biker jacket or will the venue be so hot lll need to take it off within 5 min? Just curious.


I remember being warm enough in the venue last year that I didn't want to wear my jacket for very long. I'd imagine it'll be warmer with more people, this year.

Well, looking out my open window at the beautiful Atlanta skyline, I can tell you that right now, it is a bit chilly, so a coat is definately reccomended. Rain? I'm not sure,the weathers been really tempermental lately. I'd be expecting it if I were you though.