Weather info

Originally posted by Daybreaker
Ok. Not to sound disturbing here but how much does a good pair of leather pants cost? I mean like BIKER leather pants not super tight ass fashion shop at the GAP type leather. hahah I already have a biker jacket, black leather Harley Davidson boots, and the black leather fingerless glove, and after all that I drive a truck. Yea I know Im shameless.


First off, I presume you're a guy. In that case, you're sol, because a decent pair of leather pants are gonna run you at least $150, and probably $200. Wilson's is a good place IMO for getting quality stuff that's not too expensive. Mine I only got because they're being discontinued and were marked down from $200 to $60, but I don't think the style would flatter your figure. ;)

However, you might want to consider the term "overkill" when planning your outfit ;), not to mention the fact that you'll be in midtown Atlanta. Good if you're gay, maybe not if you're not. :)

Originally posted by lady_space
However, you might want to consider the term "overkill" when planning your outfit ;), not to mention the fact that you'll be in midtown Atlanta. Good if you're gay, maybe not if you're not. :)

heh heh, reminds me...have you seen this yet?
Ya know, I HOPE all the gay comments are tongue in cheek (pun semi-intended) That kinda stuff is the primary reason that I post on very few message boards and generally stick to mailing lists and specific site such as the PP one here.

Originally posted by Demonspell
I got rained on during last night's Dream Theater concert... :)

Hey Cool -- So did I! I was at that show as well. It was very cool how James made the intro to 'Spirit' about Sept. 11th and then it started raining during the song... aaaahhhh I was kind of hoping it would just start pouring!!!
It was a very good show!! I had lots of fun -- DT KICKS ASS!!!!!
Originally posted by Bad Girl Tess
Hey Cool -- So did I! I was at that show as well. It was very cool how James made the intro to 'Spirit' about Sept. 11th and then it started raining during the song... aaaahhhh I was kind of hoping it would just start pouring!!!
It was a very good show!! I had lots of fun -- DT KICKS ASS!!!!!

I was there too :p

and for a video of this emotional moment, visit:
I wouldnt say I want the pants to show off my ass or anything, I just love the whole biker image. To me theres nothing more metal than long hair, leather and metal (chains and stuff not metal as in music) And again I dont want the pants where if i bent down they would ride up my ass or tear you know? Anyways thats it for now. Oh btw no I am not a slave of Manowar or something. Re-reading what I just wrote makes me seem like I go out and bash peoples heads in and bang random chicks on the hood of my truck all the while glorifying the mighty spirits of the dead, feasting in the halls of Valhalla. I just love being metal in an unmetal town.

Originally posted by JayDubya
Ya know, I HOPE all the gay comments are tongue in cheek (pun semi-intended) That kinda stuff is the primary reason that I post on very few message boards and generally stick to mailing lists and specific site such as the PP one here.


Um, well, Midtown is the "gay" section of town, and Atlanta has like the third highest gay population per capita, so I'm not kidding about that, but I was being kinda light about the whole "males-wearing-leather-in-Midtown" thing. I don't think what I said would be belittling to gays at all... sorry if it offended you, but that certainly wasn't intended.

Hi Shaye!

I think you got me wrong, I was referring to the Strato pic
and all the "those guys are gay" posts on that "other" message
board. Ask anyone here who knows me, it's real hard to offend me.....Just don't say anything bad about Freak Kitchen....