Need help from Europeans regarding weather in October! Urgent!!


Sep 25, 2002
Novo Hamburgo, Brasil
Its urgent cuz I am travelling to Europe this thursday.

So I want to know what will be the weather like in cities like Köln, Berlin, Paris, London and Amsterdan from 9th to 21th October. Average, maximum and minimum temperatures. What kind of clothing should i take with me? Any info is HIGHLY appreciated.
epi5ode666 said:
london : cold/rainy/misty... (generally)
just two months ago people were dying from hot weather in europe. Does it gets cold SO fast? And what is cold for you? I am brazilian. I consider cold below 18 degrees and very cold from 0 to 10 degrees. And below 0 is ultra cold for me :)
Yes, it does. It was hot two months ago here, and now it's below 10 degrees Celsius. I'm somewhat northern than the places you're going though, but I would think the temperature is around 5-15 degrees in October in the mainland Europe and probably UK too. And as it's autumn, it's very likely to rain. There's weather services in the internet, check them out for more specific info.
AcesHigh said:
just two months ago people were dying from hot weather in europe. Does it gets cold SO fast? And what is cold for you? I am brazilian. I consider cold below 18 degrees and very cold from 0 to 10 degrees. And below 0 is ultra cold for me :)
um it will proberbly be between 0-8 degrees, there is freak days where its warm, but not very often
It'll be pretty cold in London but it'll be bloody freezing in Germany in October... however, if you're in Cologne for Oktoberfest you could drink lots of alcohol to keep you warm :D
Hey Aces, take long trousers, t-shirts and pullovers. Not to mention a rain coat. Long trousers and shirt are ok inside, a pullover added is ok for outside.. if it's too cold add the rain jacket, there you go. Expect temperatures from 0-10 degrees in the morning and around 10-15 during the day, and of course rain and wind. Europe aint too tender in fall ;)