Webpage Update: Completely New Look


#1 Zero Hour Fan
Nov 22, 2002
Mission Viejo, CA
Well after 2 weeks of work the NEW Zero Hour webpage design is up and running. So please go check it out. Let me know what you think. There are still some bugs I need to work out for you Netscape users out there. I have no talent so I use FrontPage to make the webpage and it doesn't like Netscape too much.

So anyways go check it out, A ton of new stuff has been added and EVERY page has been updated for the new look. What a pain. Hope everyone likes it and the navigation isn't a pain.

All suggestions and comments will be greatly appreciated.

Bob "Buddah"


NP: Linkin Park: Meteora..........is anyone else totaly digging this??
It looks wonderful, Bob!! :) Love the color scheme....black and purple are my favorite colors. Black and purple would make good colors for this forum too.

Cool of ya to put a pic of my license plate on there.
I need to borrow the digital camera from work and get a better pic for you to use.


NP~Children of Bodom "Follow the Reaper"
I just wanted to thank everyone for their comments. It really helps to inflate my already huge ego....hehe. No really, its great that you all like the new look of the page!! The page just needed a fresh new look, plus I was just sooo sick at looking at the other page.

Also I put up some more pics for the Headway show so check em out!!

Bob "Buddah"