The menue font looks pixelated, but I love the idea that it gets distorted when you hover over it.
About the background pic, doesn't look very good in my opinion, just like a picture with a Photoshop
stock filter used on it, I would try to just use a black background, because as soon as you slide down
the picture on the sidebars doesn't go along with the pic in the header (some kind of texture might
work, too and fit the distorted look).
That way the bandlogo wouldn't stick out as much as it does now imho.
And the pic you used underneath the player and so on could be faded out a bit better, so you won't
see the edges anymore.
Sorry if anything of that sounded harsh, just got up

Digging your stuff, these were just some design things I wanted to mention, I am just designing most
of the time and no coding or programming at all because I suck at that part