Weird D-String Ringing

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hi Guys--
I'm hoping someone can help me with an issue that has been driving me crazy for the last month or so.
I put a Duncan Custom in my ESP Eclipse, and for some reason the D string
has a nasty harsh ring to it when palm muting. It's especially noticeable
through the JVM. Short sample, guitars only:

Ringy ESP

Nothing unusual on the E, A, G...only on the D, and only when it's open. Tried adjusting pickup height, etc. but nothing helped. Obviously I use foam and tape to dampen the strings above the nut and below the bridge, all the usual stuff. This isn't like an open string type of ring--it's more like a nasty resonance, and it's more audible the lower the amp's gain is. I thought it must be something with the setup of the guitar, so I put the same pickup in an Ibanez SZ320 (also fixed bridge)...and it rings even worse. I didn't notice that guitar ringing with the cheap stock Ibanez pickups, so I decided it must be something about the Duncan Custom/JVM combination.

However, with the same pickup in my cheapo LTD (Floyd-type bridge), it
sounds great and there's no weird ringing whatsoever:

LTD No Ring

What is going on? Has anyone run across this before? Could it be something
with the combination of that pickup, that amp and fixed bridge guitars for some reason? I know that sounds ridiculous, but I've never noticed this in all my years of playing, I don't know what else to think, and I'm at my wit's end.

Thanks for any ideas!

Could be the string, try tapping on the neck and put your ear on it try looking for the source of the sound