Weird harmonics on Superior Drummer 2: TMF?

Yeah, I actually noticed that some time ago from the soundclips with rides on their site. What the fuck?

I didn't find much noticeable ringing on that clip of yours, but I know what you mean. Must be the rides. Why, beats me.

It was actually the reason I wasn't convinced at all with Metal Foundry, the ride ringed around the fucking place so bad and the snares sounded like trashcans. The snare in your clip sounds much better than those though.

So is there like a sustain knob or anything in it?
Yeah, I actually noticed that some time ago from the soundclips with rides on their site. What the fuck?

I didn't find much noticeable ringing on that clip of yours, but I know what you mean. Must be the rides. Why, beats me.

It was actually the reason I wasn't convinced at all with Metal Foundry, the ride ringed around the fucking place so bad and the snares sounded like trashcans. The snare in your clip sounds much better than those though.

So is there like a sustain knob or anything in it?
If you crank up the volumen (way up) you can hear it a lot in my clip. I also experience some of this shit with one of the hi-hats.

The snare in my clip has some compressor, EQ and a filter. I can send you the preset if you want it or post the settings.
If you crank up the volumen (way up) you can hear it a lot in my clip. I also experience some of this shit with one of the hi-hats.

The snare in my clip has some compressor, EQ and a filter. I can send you the preset if you want it or post the settings.

I don't personally own TMF, I've only heard the clips. Thanks for offering the preset though.

Have you been looking at the Toontrack support forum or thought about contacting them personally? I think this is something they should fix with an update, seems really weird.
I'm not hearing anything other than intense washiness from not filtering OH's or room mics?

+1, + "I wasn't convinced at all with Metal Foundry, the ride ringed around the fucking place so bad and the snares sounded like trashcans" = needs processing
The other thing I'll add is that programming cymbals at the peak of their range (above 120) you are going to exclusively get samples with maximum ringing and overtones (just like if you hit real cymbals as hard as you possibly can).