weird problem with boss tu-2


Jul 27, 2005
hey guys,

i got a really strange problem with my boss tu-2 that i just can't seem to figure out.

basically, my signal chain is as follows:
guitar -> boss tu-2 -> engl fireball 100 -> cab. nothing else.

during yesterdays rehearsal i suddenly basically lost all of the amps gain, or at least it dropped by a considerate amount. the problem does not always appear, but only at random and only for a short time each.
after trying a few things i just took the tu-2 out of the signal chain, and BAM, problem solved. i also checked the cable going from tu-2 out to amp in, it's perfectly fine.

now comes the weird part: for shits and giggles i tried a different guitar, this time my peavey with passive pickups.
no problems with the tu-2 whatsoever!

so, in short words, when using my jackson dkmgt with active emgs in conjunction with the tu-2, i'll get a largely reduced output going to the amps input resulting in lack of gain, but only sometimes. taking the tu-2 out of the signal chain solves the issue, so it's not a guitar problem.
using any passive guitar with the tu-2 the damn thing works just fine.

batteries are new, both the EMG and the tu-2 one.

seriously, i have no fucking idea.
To me it sounds like there's a loose connection in the pedal, and the fact that it worked when you switched guitars was a coincidence. Intermittent problems like this can be tough to pin down, but it's obviously the pedal. Whether I'm right or not, you've got a 5 year warranty so ring up Boss and get that puppy fixed/replaced.
Two possibility: your TU2 have a loose connection or your DKMG have a loose connection. Check both.

I run myself 3 oldschool Jackson pro (RRpro, Fusion pro and Wr pro). All mounted with emg (81/89, 81/SA/SA, 85/SA) and all working perfectly with my TU2.