For Sale: Relist- Boss TU-2(With box!)/NS-2!


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
Hey there, i lited these before Xmas but it was hectic as all hell with sorting out arrangements to get home over the winter period and as such, these went unsold (More my fault than anything!)

Relisting these there..

£55 for the TU-2 with box
£45 for the NS-2 no box.

I am open to decent offers of course!

Shipping (after last pedal i shipped) is £7 or £12 if you want both!) :D

Help feed a starving scot for one more month! :D

I think you're asking a bit too much for these Gav, you can get both of these brand new for about £5 more each, and pay about the same shipping.