Weirdest iPod on the planet


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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So, I've resisted the iPod hype successfully, until now. We are taking a trip to Russia in May, and in an effort to keep from lugging a ton of CDs, I decided to get one. I gotta say, it's pretty fucking cool. I've been jamming tunes down its throat all afternoon (and evening) and have only scratched the surface of what it holds; whole records by Zep, Thin Lizzy, Sabbath, Tool, Sigur Ros, ISIS, Dead Can Dance, Grateful Dead, Mercyful Fate and a ton of others....several full albums in most instances, and I've used about 1 tenth of the space. Pretty freaking cool. Organizes stuff really well.

Any iPod users here? Just wondering.
ive always thought about getting one...but im a microsoft kinda guy :erk: ....idk its a tough decision, but i think im gonna break down and get one
Yeah, I'm not into Apple. For what it's worth, the software on the new generation stuff works really well with Windows (XP is what I have). No troubles.
The iPOD is fully compatible with PC windows based machines. The thingie comes with it's own software and/or is fully compatible with the iTunes version for Windows (download it free).

I know because a close friend just bought the iPod Shuffle (simplest model of the bunch) two weeks ago and he's like nuts with it. Also it works like a memory stick and doesn't need batteries (it charges from the USB port).

I don't know as far as the standard model (20-60 GB) or the one that comes in silly colors, but I guess the deal is similar.

I also remind people that are similar gadgets made from Windows based manofacturers like Palm, HP, etc.

I'm old fashioned I'm still not into MP3 players, digital cameras or PDA :D
hmm i was never aware of that....that really bugs me too, like say im listening to Rude Awakening, and it has gaps....very frustrating indeed! :yuk:

another thing about ipods is that they freeze up ALL THE TIME, and not so ocasionally (but it still happens) it deletes its entire memory :erk:

but with having said that, they are pretty handy, im still debating whether to get one or not
Damn Music Matchbox gaps in all live albums, it really annoys me. If iPOD sounds the same I'll stick to my tape Walkman (I'll stick to it anyway :D)
You know, it's funny. I hear ya, and even agree in a certain sense, but waddya gonna do? I'm a HUGE continuity guy..a big fan of the album as a of my favorite albums right now is the new Mars Volta, and that's basically one big song with "tracks" inserted just so you can find a certain part if you want. Normally gaps would irk me, but i guess I'm so used to some of the MP3 players on my computer doing that that I don't sweat it. Plus the iPod basically gives me the chance to carry a VERY large portion of my collection with me, maybe 10% of which suffers owing to the gap issue. The rest are just good 'ol start and stop songs with spaces between, so no worries.

Still, I feel you pain. Ha.

The thing does hold 5000 songs, incidentally. Pretty neat.
Well, I did not want to dissuade anyone from buying an I-Pod I just thought that the "gaps" issue should be known.

As for software mp3 players on your pc playing with gaps; I don't have that problem. I use a pretty technical mp3 player called foobar. Also I know how to configure winamp so that it sounds like it is playing gapless. However WA will fail to pay some files gapless.

The only software that will play mp3's perfectly gapless is foobar, with Nero installed it can also burn perfect gapless cds. It does so by reading the LAME header that signifies that there's a passage coming that flows from track 1 to 2.

Btw LAME is the most popular mp3 encoder. A program that will convert cd tracks to mp3. With its --alt preset standard setting it gives the best audio quality possible and uses the least Hard drive space.

For more info on mp3's the LAME encoder or foobar you can go here:

For foobar:

For mp3 and LAME:

If any of you need any advice let me know. I don't want to hijack this tread from ElectricWiz any further

Sorry about that ElectricWiz. I have been thinking about buying an hardware mp3 player a lot of times. But I have not gotten around to it yet.
Of course gapless reproduction the way the original cd plays the tracks would be one of my most important demands.
well today i was talking to this guy at my school, and he's this big time nerd, he works for the school, but he's like 17, idk he's sweet, but anyways, he's really into computers, and he knows a whooooole shitload about apple and shit, so he was telling me how apple was planning on fixing the gap issue in the near future.....i dont know if he was just sticking up for his fav company or not, but i hope its true!