Welcome aboard... Welcome aboard... Its like welcome
its like well
come aboard! Its well. Its good. Its great. Youre aboard now. In fact, youre on board but youre not aboard. Youre enlivened now. You are given life. Thats what you give you woke up this morning. You said, Im gonna enliven somebody, whe... thats what you were thinkin when you were shaving. Thats what you were thinking. You weren't just gonna hire somebody. You're not the hirer. You're the guy that gets them on the ship, and you carry the ship on the sea of what happens next. You gotta be into an area of "lets make it happen now". You know, this aint just a building and paintings. You got colors flying around here. You designate colors. You inject colors into the man and say, "Hey man, let the colors fly. Let 'em fly man! You're here to soar. It's about soaring, buddy. This ship don't float. The ship soars, man, and it cuts away the pirates coming up, then the piranhas, and the sharks. So what time, what is the time... that you desire... that you long for... rapaciously! Youre vicious! You want me viciously! What time do you want me in here? 9am?