Welcome back Jim!


Umlauts ist Krieg
May 2, 2004
I see it hasnt posted here yet, but I do know Marlies let us know via the email list.

Hi everyone,

The new album is still underway for us. Right now we are looking at 11 songs for the new album. Each song is a bit more compact compared to what we usually have done in the past. Seven of the songs clock in at just over 3 minutes. I thought it would be different to try to fit in multiple time changes and riffs/solos in a shorter time frame. I know I have a low attention span when it comes to long songs, movies or whatever the case may be, so it is a small change for us. Every song is going to still have a lot going on, so our style will still be intact.

Now on to the main reason for this update. Into Eternity would like to welcome back our original drummer Jim Austin, who will be playing on our new record. Everybody is familiar with Jim's drumming style from our albums "Into Eternity" , "Dead or Dreaming" and "Buried In Oblivion". We are all happy that Jim is willing to help us out with this new record.

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, we should point out that this arrangement is just for the recording of the album. Jim has a good job now that we wouldn't want him to lose. I think that this will be a good step for us and it will help maintain our sound that we have crafted for almost 10 years now.

keep it metal!!

Goddamn, this is the best news I've heard about the album!!

I love what Jim does, and was worried a different drummer wouldn't be as creative. This is PERFECT, and exactly what I wanted to hear. Creating is hard, duplicating is...well, not easy when you're covering those licks, but not as hard as coming up with it in the first place. You can always find someone to play the parts on tour.

Couple this with capitalizing on Stu's range and I am fucking PSYCHED.

Welcome back, Jim, you rule.
actually I didn't post it here, because it HAD been posted (as "BW&BK's update.." )

but I'm happy about this too! Although I would've loved to hear Adam on the album, and for him to have his performance caught on CD for all the work he has put into the band, but oh well, can't be helped....
So this is for sure the best possible solution to secure the absolute perfect drumming performance on album - now I only hope they will find the right person for the live shows as well :)