Welcome to Finland, pt 2

+1, I'm curious about this as well. I want to know if Scandinavian homes and others in similar climate zones are equipped to handle such temperatures. I'd imagine your pipes can freeze quite easily.


Of course, proper insulation and proper heating are essential. Water pipes do freeze sometimes, but that often means there's something wrong with the pipe insulation or something. This can be prevented by leaving the tap running a little, so there's minimal water flow in the pipes.
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Fuck this, I didn't sign up for this shit (-25°C = -13°F)



Thats fucking cold...... are you guys in finlad or other countries building your houses with some extra isolation materials or something like that? 8+ cº was freaking cold to me this winter in here, i can´t imagine what could happen with the water in the toilet in my home with that temperature.

Yeah, we do and usually all the windows are double glasses. The water in the toilet doesn't freeze, but the pipes do freeze sometimes.

I guess "global warming" is taking the year off haha.

The past month has been pretty consistently negative teens in southern Ontario. When I lived in Calgary I remember one day when the temperature was actually -40. I was supposed to go to class and took one step outside, felt my nostrils freeze and when right back inside haha.
Up here in the northern parts of Finland (-21 C earlier today, usually hits -40 C at least once per winter, the record is -51.5 C), our windows have triple glasses, plus the houses have very thick insulation. For example my house is like this:

[ outer brick layer ]
----- water insulation --------
////// thermal insulation ///////
....... gypsum layer .............. <-- I'm not sure about this, but it looked like it when they renovated the walls a few months ago
[ inner brick layer ]
[ thin concrete layer ]
( wallpaper )


And of course radiators in every room
Looks about right to me haha, we had a half day at school today because they were too stubborn to close and then the bus companies were like errrrr we're not bringing your kids home in this shit, so the head's left hand man came around the school at 10:45 this morning to tell us school is closed. Good times :D

I've gotta get round to my mates soon so we can finish building our ski-bike/ deathtrap contraption :lol:

I haven't been out the house in since before Christmas. It's been a whiteout ever since and shows no sign of melting, so I'm on a seemingly neverending holiday.

Which wouldn't be too bad, but I've not seen anyone but my family for three weeks and they're starting to get on my tits.

Oh and its like -8c outside, which for Scotland (minus the highland bits) is pretty brutal.