WELCOME to the new Borealis forum

Forum looks great but new website looks even better! Looking forward to hearing more buzz on this great band and hopefully seeing some posts here from the guys. :wave:
Love the new website. Congrats Borealis! This new CD is going to be Awesome. Pre-ordering my Japan CD today.
New website, forum, and artwork look great. The songs released are awesome as well! Definitely looking forward to the new album! Hopefully I get a chance to see you guys again soon after the album is released.
Thank you everyone for checking out the new site and leaving your comments on the forum! We're very excited to get this cd out to everyone and hopefully we'll see everyone on the road very soon!
After realizing that I enjoy ALL the bands that I have heard so far that are part of the Intrometal roster, I started to look around and get more acquanted with what Borealis is all about musically. I am actually quite new to the music of Borealis, hearing only the songs off the website player and then with the help of youtube postings of the World Of Silence cd and live shows. I have every intention to buy the new cd when it becomes available along with the first one. I am holding out in hope that there may be a package deal from the band for both (hint!hint!). Great music. And this coming from an easily jaded heavy rock fan who got into this music way back in the late seventies.