well done antimatter

yis can always go down that route too you know, give away the dvd for free and that ;) and then we'll also say - well done anathema! i think its a great idea ;)
top banana... me mum says that?

but yeah free dvd and that. I dont mind paying actually..but non the less I got a free sticker off mehdi.. I think we shud get free anathema stickers.

you know it makes sense.
Strangelight said:
I suppose the free album was offside eh?
Were ... just getting word through ...... that it seems ... yes I've just been informed that the free album wasnt offside so the ref has given a final score of

Antimatter 2 Anathema 0
pistol_pete said:
When are you going to have your half of the recording done.
when Im back in action