Are important Portishead for Antimatter?


Aug 29, 2003
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First of all I introduce myself :

I'm new member from Italy...and I like so much that band...I just bought Lights out...a great album...and Saviour I can say if is beter but I like too."Lights out" remembers me Alternative 4 (some passage)...
The topic....:
Are important Portishead for Antimatter?
I found some parts in lights out connected at Portishead's
i think people how have no clue and no reference about that style keep refering to portishead. i dont see anything common between these two bands, its two totally different moods. if any band with female vocals mixing genuine instruments and programming are to be compared to portishead, then portishead might be quite important for tatu as well.
i like it better when you put the picture straight into the page rather than as an attachment, it quite looses the effect like.
but the joke isnt that efficient if the pic isnt right next to the punch line. its like when you have to explain a joke none understood, it gets crap. imo, like.
There are only three Antimatter songs that remind me a bit of Portishead. 'Psalms' 'Expire' And 'Reality Clash'. It's not enough for me to claim that PH is a direct influence for Antimatter since there are only some bits of these songs that do remind me of Portishead. And it's a kind of extrapolation moreover. These songs have a trip-hop feeling like. And since PH is THE trip-hop reference, it's the first name that comes to the mind. So it's unfair.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
but the joke isnt that efficient if the pic isnt right next to the punch line. its like when you have to explain a joke none understood, it gets crap. imo, like.

Which one is the punchline? lol *feels daft and like missing something*
what about ulver then? i heard it last week in the car (thx kindertje ;) ) and i found simelarities with antimatter. esp for duncs songs. i mentioned the bit at the end of flowers for example.

well i dont know for sure but it would be a bit logical.
i hear Anathema influences in Antimatter. in Bogus Blimp even. whatever. ppl have influences like. it just comes as is, and cant be dissected into bands like.
as duncan and mick what their fave bands are - that will get you far, but that either cant be sufficient.
Ive got 'Over' by Portishead on 12" and cd, thats all. Roger Waters and Celtic Frost are my real influences. Dont try and pigeon hole us with Portishead or Ulver or anything. Its totally unnecessary kids ;)
I'm sorry to say this, but I played "Lights out" to a friend of mine today, a minute or so in he said: "I like it, lovely, a bit like Portishead". Made me laugh though.