well done dragonlady


danny cavanagh
Apr 30, 2002
Visit site
i have just got the artwork through for the 'were you there? DVD' and the picture is excellent. almost exactly what i had in mind when i asked you to take it.
anyway i just wanted to congratulate you on being a geniune, good hearted girl who has good intentions.. and if another has been talking about you and putting you down... ignore it... you are so much better than that!
and the people i know and love around here all agree with me!:kickass:
ahh thanx mate, thats so nice really :) :Spin: :oops: I'm glad u liked the picture and cheers again for ur help at graspop getting me the photopass, that was just great :headbang: :hotjump:

... and ah well I wont let some bad talkings let me down, even if some things I heard recently made me some angry but well, I know they arent true so thats what counts :)
snow2fall said:
No. Stop it, goddammit. Don't discuss your personal problems on a public forum. Please don't spoil this place. We've had that before...

For fucks sake, it's not my personal problem, it's not me who started it at all either, if there's no hint, there's not question.

Goddammit indeed.
pagan2002 said:
get lost dhatura it aint your business. i am just publically defending a friend who seems to have been violated behind her back. i am making a point because i feel like.

And I am asking because I feel like too, though I didn't know that was forbidden. It was obvious someone would ask about it, it's a public place here.

Actually, I'm laughing now, all right and peace, I've got the culprit now :cool:
Without knowing anything about this 'gossip stuff' I really must say that I like the work of Dragonlady that I've seen on her site very much. :headbang:
It's powerful and full of the passion that is needed to make good photographs... :)
Kudos for that and remember if you are talked about you must be doing something right! ;)

OMG! it starts to get a bit messy for me (damn exams sucked my mind away, sorry...)
imo dragonlady does have the talent (as far as I know, the pics and other stuff of hers on her site) so I wish her the best, ad first of all others' honour and respect!
ı dunno..
I don't thing she's a nice girl.. she looks like danny anyway :p

ppl are smart enough to understand what's a e what is not..
so don't worry.. if someone lying about u, she only puts herself to a lower position.