Well I just screwed up my UT 2004!

Utuk Xul

Demon Spawn
Feb 13, 2002
The 9th level of Hell
Visit site
I was trying to fix that annoying mouse lag bug and started fiddling around in the sound menu. Well whatever I did crashed my game and now it won't start. I'm looking forward to installing it again!:erk:

Does anyone else have this mouse lock bug(only in single player though, odd)?
Yeah, I saw that crazy thread. But too many people claimed they fixed it by doing X and then someone in the next post would say they tried that and it didn't work but then they tried Y and it did. I might have to just hold off until a patch is released.

I can still play online with no problems, I just gotta do a uninstall/reinstall.
I've had that problem, you need to install a sound driver or something. It doesn't really happen that often for me, and I hardly play single player at all so it doesn't really bother me.